2023-August Centrifuge Monthly Summary
Welcome to our monthly summary of community news, events and governance updates from the Centrifuge Ecosystem for August!
Another submission to the POP-process to onboard a pool on Centrifuge chain as well as a governance recap on Mandated groups, the CFG-token utility and the role of Active contributors. Centrifuge is growing as an ecosystem and is gaining strength which shows, RWAs are here to stay! More exciting news can be found in this newsletter!
- Centrifuge Governance: Achievements on the road to decentralization
- New POP-Submission: Anemoy Capital
- RWA Summit speaker spotlights #1 and #2
- Tokenization: A digital-assed déja vu 🕮
- Aave treasury proposal for RWA allocation
- New Ambassador onboarding 🧑🏻‍🤝‍🧑🏻
Key Metrics
- Total Value Locked (8/31/23): $236.3M (MakerDAO: $135.4M; RWA Market: $3.7M)
- Total Active Loans: $235M
- Total Assets Originated: $440M
- Originated in August: $16.1M
- Assets repaid in August: $8.3M
- Token Holders: 46,471 Wallets
The Ecosystem is focused on educating the world about Centrifuge, creating visibility and opportunity for RWAs, and sharing the narrative of how the world’s credit will be financed through DeFi.
August highlights include:
Events/Podcasts with Centrifuge:
Funding the commons Paris 2023 with Cassidy and Lucas (answeringâť“) the question Is Capitalism really the problem?
Eli, our general counsel, talks on Cboe Digital insights about regulation and its impact on lending.
Still a few weeks away but here are already two spotlights for the RWA Summit happening on September 19: Bhaji talks with representatives from Huma Finance and FJ Labs.
There is a new episode of DeFi Drip where Cassidy hosts Johannes Moormann to talk about the implementation of account abstraction -
Centrifuge (and RWAs) in the news:
McKinsey & Company: Tokenization: A digital-asset déjà vu
Decrypt: Crypto’s Oldest Use Case Is Back in the Spotlight. But Why Now?
Block Insiders: Centrifuge’s Acquisition GTM: Why Strategy Outranks Big Budgets
Medium: The Opportunity of RWA, How ISE Faces the Opportunities and Challenges of the RWA Track
Coinbase: Request for Builders: Startups I Would Build Today
CoinMarketCap: Where Are Real World Assets Growing And Their Future Trends?
Brave New Coin: RWA - A new revolution in digital asset issuance
LinkedIn: Exploring Real World Assets (RWA) in the Crypto Landscape: Roles, Impacts, and Integration
The Community is represented primarily by individuals and organizations that are actively participating in governance, contributing to processes and discourse, and are economically tied to the success of Centrifuge.
- It’s a great pleasure to welcome our new ambassadors (and please give their intros in the forum a like): (1) Bella from Vietnam, (2) christiancdpetersen, a very active player in MakerDAO and the most recent newcomers (3) Amir and (4) tokenomacs
Looking forward to learning from your experience and background, to gain new thoughts and ideas and working with you together to bring the community to the next level!
- It’s been a while since we had new Community Intros: Glad to see the introduction from Propy, a global real estate marketplace, and a brief overview how our ecosystem could profit.
- Introducing Centrifuge conversations
: It’s very positive to see how the word about Centrifuge spreads like a
on different platforms
- News from our friends from Aave: after the Aave Treasury proposal, to allocate a portion of the stablecoin treasury into an investment through Centrifuge prime, Asad summarized the FAQs in a forum post. The community will have the chance to ask any questions and to discuss the proposal with Asad in the upcoming Twitter Spaces (see Save the date).
More news from the community:
@NovaWalletApp: New cross-chain transfers of CFG in the @Polkadot ecosystem are now live in Nova Wallet!
@MariaShen: Quick thoughts around why I recently changed my mind about RWAs
@Erikgruiz: The process of RWA tokens becoming legitimate bearer assets can be conceptualized as three phases
@andreas_seppy: Having these 4 pillars being worked according to their plan, my conviction is pretty high on Centrifuge
@cao_lab: The Polkadot and Kusama ecosystems are expanding impressively, with exciting news daily
Save the date(s):
RWA Deep Dive @Berlin Blockchain week (September 14)
Real-World Asset Summit (September 19)
- Let’s start with the Governance update August for an overview about all ended and ongoing proposals, provided by the Governance Coordination Group. Currently there are ongoing governance discussions about Migration to OpenGov and the most recent proposals on Definitions of Pool Types & Categories as well fees. Both are important and could influence the protocol significantly.
A reminder: Please actively participate in the governance process, leave your comments and remarks in the RFCs and vote on open proposals​:exclamation:
- The postponed Centrifuge governance call #19 was broadcasted on August 16 and on the agenda were topics such as New Silver’s proposal to raise the debt ceiling on Maker and the Aave treasury proposal to use a stablecoin allocation in Centrifuge prime. The whole recording can be watched here.
- Kate summarizes in the Governance recap on Mandated groups, Active contributors and the significance of the CFG-token the key achievements of the Centrifuge governance on the road to decentralization:
Achievement One: The founding documents
Achievement Two: The governance proposal process and framework
Achievement Three: Mandated Groups for dynamic decision making
Achievement Four: The Centrifuge Credit Group
Achievement Five: The Governance and Coordination Group
The Protocol is represented primarily by organizations that are actively using Centrifuge’s technology to facilitate the underwriting, structuring, and financing of RWAs.
Product & Engineering
- Martin, one of our Co-founders, introduced Anemoy Capital and submitted the POP-submission for the Anemoy Liquid Treasury Fund 1. Great to see another submission to expand Pools on Centrifuge chain after the introduction of the new app!
- Pool updates: Unfortunately less good news from ConsolFreight, one of our first pools, with the transparent and detailed explanation of what happened. This being said it is important to add that Pools matured over time and due to additional measures (e.g Centrifuge Credit Group, POP-process) the quality of Pools increased significantly. Nonetheless it is crucial for every investor to keep the basic rule “DYOR” in mind.
Flowcarbon’s Nature Offset Series 1 has been fully closed! This is a demonstration how on-chain capital can be used in an ecological meaningful way. - Although they are not running a pool on Centrifuge (yet), another quick update from UrbanGate Capital for August
- Mark, the facilitator of the Centrifuge Credit Group, gave another insight into the meaningful work his group does and explains How the CCG analyzes prospective pools.
Stay tuned for the next monthly update with definitely more news, governance updates and developments from the ecosystem!
What are your thoughts and your comments? Please share your feedback as reply to this post below or you can get in touch with the team, our ambassadors or moderators in Discord!