2022-September Centrifuge Monthly Summary
Welcome to our monthly summary of developments, events and updates from the Centrifuge Ecosystem for September!
Leaves are slowly falling in the Northern Hemisphere but the summer of RWAs doesn’t stop: Centrifuge attended several events, podcasts and talks and “Telling the narrative of Real World Assets” could be the title of this month’s overview. More exciting news can be found below!
Community Call #26 with Chico Crypto!
Subsquare integrated as governance UI
Centrifuge Q3 update with MakerDao
New pool launched on Tinlake by FlowCarbon
- The first set of Collators for Centrifuge
Berlin Blockchain week, DappCon Berlin and Mainnet New York
Key Metrics
- Total Value Locked: $84.7M. (MakerDAO: $22.6M; RWA Market: $4.5M)
- Total Active Loans: $78.6M
- Total Assets Originated: $178.3M
- Loan Repayments in the last 30 days: $13M
The Ecosystem is focused on educating the world about Centrifuge, creating visibility and opportunity for RWAs, and sharing the narrative of how the world’s credit will be financed through decentralized finance.
September highlights include:
“Centrifuge turns RWAs into loans” an overview and outlook on Centrifuge and RWAs written by Axios
Web3 unlocked hosted a podcast with Lucas and his opinion on the future of DeFi
Thrilling new connections and creative RWA-themed cocktails — all in celebration of DeFi’s real-world future
Catch Centrifuge Co-founder Lucas on two panels at Dappcon Berlin this week
Good morning from mainnet 2022!
The Community is represented primarily by individuals and organizations that are actively participating in governance, contributing to processes and discourse, and are economically tied to the success of Centrifuge.
- Community Call #26 with Chico Crypto!! The crypto legend and DeFi-OG Chico gave his personal opinion on the impact of Real World Assets (RWAs) for the space, DeFi in general and the future for the Dotsama ecosystem plus of course the role Centrifuge - as the first mover in the space - will play…
- Centrifuge Q3 Update with MakerDao as a partner of their ecosystem and an outlook on the formation of MetaDAOs
- FlowCarbon introduced their upcoming pool in the Pool Party, and the issuer explained its business of financing carbon credits in detail
- From Forbes, an article about Centrifuge+Maker+Aave, RWAs and DeFi
- An in depth-analysis of the Aave protocol, including Real world assets (RWAs) developed by Centrifuge
- Competition is good to learn from each other and to build partnerships. The team discussed the role of RWAs on Twitter Spaces together with Goldfinch
- An awesome thread by jackchong.eth why DeFi will eat TradFi and the key role RWAs are going to play
Save the date:
Centrifuge governance call #10 on October 20
Governance call #9 gave a vision on the decentralization of the ecosystem, an overview on how to use Subsquare and a teaser of the new POP-process v2 which will go live later this year!
After the successful vote in August, Subsquare has been implemented as UI for governance for both Centrifuge and Altair! Check out the guide on how to access and use it.
Ongoing referenda and proposals:
Updating Tinlake rewards allocation (Snapshot vote)
Renewal RWA market rewards (Snapshot vote)
Distribution of unclaimable AIR-rewards (Treasury proposal)
Proposal to build Connectors with other protocols (RFC)
Mandate for Governance and Coordination Group (RFC)
Additional CFG token utility (RFC)
Implementation of the EURO stable coin (RFC)
- Passed referenda and proposals:
Altair collator rewards August (Treasury proposal)
Open HRMP channels between Centrifuge+Statemint+Moonbeam+Acala (#9)
Open HRMP channels between Centrifuge+Statemint+Moonbeam+Acala (#10) Resubmission
Open HRMP channels between Centrifuge+Statemint+Moonbeam+Acala (#11) Resubmission 2
Increase transaction fees and implement a token burn/ Runtime upgrade 1012 for Centrifuge (#12)
Increase transaction fees and implement a token burn/ Runtime upgrade 1020 for Altair (#12)
Don’t forget to participate in the governance process, vote in polls on Subsquare and referendums.
The Protocol is represented primarily by organizations that are actively using Centrifuge’s technology to facilitate the underwriting, structuring, and financing of RWAs.
Product & Engineering
- For a product update, I recommend the Twitter spaces about the Moonbeam/Centrifuge-interaction and which chances are connected to it
- Centrifuge hosted a workshop on cross-chain composability on and its challenges for Polkadot
- Congratulations to the first set of collators for Centrifuge:
(1) Ryabina
(2) moonli.me
(4) Masternode24
(5) Validatrium
All information needed for the collators is summarized in the Collator Onboarding Guide
Stay tuned for the next monthly update with more news, updates and developments from the ecosystem!
What are your thoughts and your feedback? Please leave them in the comments below or you can get in touch with the team, our ambassadors or moderators in Discord!