2022-October Centrifuge Monthly Summary
Welcome to our monthly summary of developments, events and updates from the Centrifuge Ecosystem for October!
It was another important month for the building of the Centrifuge governance with the presentation of the governance framework and the workshop for the feedback on the Pool Onboarding Proposal v2. This and more exciting news can be found below!
Governance framework proposal
- The POP-workshop
Centrifuge at DAS: London
Spring Cluster Proposal by Centrifuge and Blocktower
- Scaling carbon credits with FlowCarbon
Vacancies at Centrifuge!
Key Metrics
- Total Value Locked: $82.9M (MakerDAO: $21.5M; RWA Market: $4.6M)
- Total Active Loans: $78.9M
- Total Assets Originated: $182M
- Loan Repayments in the last 30 days: $3.7M
The Ecosystem is focused on educating the world about Centrifuge, creating visibility and opportunity for RWAs, and sharing the narrative of how the world’s credit will be financed through decentralized finance.
October highlights include:
The MakerDao-community voted in favor of more decentralization. The “Endgame plan” proposes the formation of a MetaDao with smaller teams.
Bitcoin Suisse, a vault-custodial platform, enables customers, who store their CFG-tokens in their vault, the possibility to vote on governance proposals.
A Forbes-article on Blocktower with its $150 million venture fund and Centrifuge recently secured a $3 mio token sale and partnership. Huge!
Here is an interesting summary by the Thie which explains the huge opportunities RWAs can bring to DeFi
Do you want to play a key role in shaping the future of DeFi - and traditional Finance? Check out the vacancies at Centrifuge!
The Community is represented primarily by individuals and organizations that are actively participating in governance, contributing to processes and discourse, and are economically tied to the success of Centrifuge.
More news:
Centrifuge at MessariCrypto’s mainnet
Real-world DeFi has reached Bogotá
Financing Carbon credits using the Centrifuge protocol
The Tie: bridging rising global rates to DeFi
Explorer the Paraverse with Talisman
Time flies: governance facilitator Rhano invited to the already 10th edition of the Governance call!
This month’s call focussed on the presentation of the plans and ideas of the governance and credit group plus the proposal for the new Centrifuge governance process and framework.
The first version of the Pool Onboarding Proposal-Process (POP) was launched about half a year ago and so far 10 POPs posted their submissions. After feedback from the community, a new version of the POP was set up and this workshop gave the chance to further discuss it.
Ongoing referenda and proposals:
Proposal for new Governance process and framework (Snapshot vote)
Use CFG to build the chinese Centrifuge community (RFC)
CFG-rewards on Centrifuge chain (RFC)
Additional CFG token utility (RFC)
- Passed referenda and proposals:
Initiate Runtime upgrade 1014 (#17)
Proposal for funding of the Credit Group (#18)
Accept Moonbeam&Statemint channel request (#19)
Send XCM to Polkadot to accept request from Moonbeam (#20)
Onboarding the first 5 collators on Centrifuge chain (#21)
Mandate for Governance&Coordination group (Snapshot vote)
Proposal to build Connectors with other protocols (Snapshot vote)
Updating Tinlake rewards allocation (#13)
Renewal RWA market rewards (#14)
Distribution of unclaimable CFG-rewards (Snapshot vote)
Distribution of unclaimable AIR-rewards (Treasury proposal 16)
Collator rewards Altair September (Treasury proposal 17-21)
Don’t forget to participate in the governance process, vote in polls on Subsquare and referendums.
The Protocol is represented primarily by organizations that are actively using Centrifuge’s technology to facilitate the underwriting, structuring, and financing of RWAs.
Product & Engineering
Centrifuge and Blocktower are presenting their vision for the Spring protector cluster. The aim of the existing group is to make a proposal for a MetaDao which will be in control by token holders. Please leave your comments and feedback in the MakerDao forum
The Cinch protocol, a platform which helps DeFi projects to scale, suggested a partnership with Centrifuge to onboard institutional investors for Tinlake pools and to grow the TVL by using revenue-based incentives
Stay tuned for the next monthly update with more news, updates and developments from the ecosystem!
What are your thoughts and your feedback? Please leave them in the comments below or you can get in touch with the team, our ambassadors or moderators in Discord!