Centrifuge Governance Call #10 2022-10-20 16:00 UTC / 18:00 CET

It’s Governance Call time!!

There’s a lot of great governance activity happening in the Centrifuge DAO!
The monthly Governance Call is your time to ask the big questions, engage in deep discussion and get the information you need to govern the network.

This week the focus will be:

  • Governance & Coordination Group: plans, scope and mandate
  • Centrifuge Proposal Framework: a robust process for our gov?
  • Token utility: looking forward
  • Snapshot voting: tips and tricks

Plus - our monthly NFT giveaway! :dizzy:

JOIN (anyone is welcome, councilors and candidates strongly encouraged)

:point_right: Use the zoom link

:point_right: Add to your calendar

Moderated by Governance Facilitator @Rhano :seedling:

Looking forward to your comments and thoughts on what else we should cover :fire: :cyclone:


The Governance & Coordination Group just submitted a proposal (Request For Comments) for a clearer Governance process and a Proposal Framework.

This will be a topic for discussion in the upcoming Governance Call so it would be great to hear the Community’s input on this.

:point_right: RFC: Proposal for new Governance Process and Framework



:white_check_mark: proposal passed
:x: proposal not passed


Since last governance call:

:white_check_mark: Minting Tinlake Rewards
:white_check_mark: Minting RWA Market Rewards
:white_check_mark: Mandate for Governance & Coordination Group
:white_check_mark: Build Centrifuge Connectors
:white_check_mark: Runtime Upgrade 1014
:white_check_mark: Accept the Moonbeam and Statemint’s HRMP open channel request to Centrifuge
:white_check_mark: Set amount of collators to 5 and their self bond to 30K CFG
:white_check_mark: Funding for Credit Group


Since last governance call:

:white_check_mark: Runtime Upgrade 1020
:white_check_mark: Treasury Proposal for unclaimable AIR rewards


:hourglass_flowing_sand: You can see all on-going and upcoming proposals on both Centrifuge and Altair here.

This spreadsheet shows you what steps the proposals are at and which proposals require voting right now.

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