Council Motion 37: Accept the Moonbeam and Statemint's HRMP open channel request to Centrifuge

Hello Community :raised_hand:,
:raising_hand_man: :gear: :inbox_tray: :outbox_tray:
Following on this: Centrifuge - Open HRMP channels to support USDT, Axelar USDC, aUSD

The Centrifuge Council just initiated Council Motion 37: Accept the Moonbeam and Statemint’s HRMP open channel request to Centrifuge.

This motion, if passed, will open up a referendum that will stay open for voting for 3 days (21600 blocks @ 12s/block).

Pre-image Hash: 0x196315e0b5b16d97da83375a8f3f50f9da799941cda081dece722874e3b1d044

Please cast your vote at your earliest convenience.

All the best.

Council Motion 37 has passed.

Referendum 19 is now open for all CFG token holders to vote on. You can vote on the referendum either on Subsquare or in the portal.

:ballot_box: Vote on Subsquare: Accept the Moonbeam and Statemint’s HRMP open channel request to Centrifuge

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: Accept the Moonbeam and Statemint’s HRMP open channel request to Centrifuge

The vote is open for 21,600 blocks (~3 days with an average block time of 12 seconds).

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Important update regarding Referendum 19 :point_down:

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:white_check_mark: Referendum 19 has passed with SimpleMajority at block 1470186.

However, the HRMP requests from Moonbeam and Statemint would need to be re-submitted (check post above).

Thank you everyone for voting.

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