Council Motion 47: Accept Statemint HRMP channel request

Good day Community :raised_hand:

:raising_hand_man: :gear: :inbox_tray: :outbox_tray:

The Centrifuge council has proposed a motion to accept the HRMP request from Statemint as part of the process described here.
Pre-image : 0xe2406fa750cd020a0abbf16acb19b8584ab47d324b545a3c70a098e62824bd68
:gear: :man_running:
This motion is being fast tracked at the same time and the council is voting on it now.

See Motion 47 in the portal here (while it is open).

See Motion 47 on Subsquare here.

See Motion 47 on Subscan here .

The governance process for this proposal will be as follows:

  1. Create Council Motion 47 with pre-image hash 0xe2406fa750cd020a0abbf16acb19b8584ab47d324b545a3c70a098e62824bd68
  2. If the motion has passes, there will be a public referendum (Referendum 23) that all CFG token holders can vote on. The voting period will be 50,400 blocks (~7 days with an average block time of 12 seconds)

Councillors, please cast your vote at your earliest convenience.

Council Motion 39 has passed.

Referendum 23 is now open for all CFG token holders to vote on. You can vote on the referendum either on Subsquare or in the portal.

:ballot_box: Vote on Subsquare: Accept Statemint HRMP channel request

:ballot_box: Vote in the Portal: Accept Statemint HRMP channel request

The vote is open for 50,400 blocks (~7 days with an average block time of 12 seconds).


Referendum 23 has passed with SimpleMajority at block 1719597.

Thank you for voting.

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