RFC: 2022-09-09 Updating Tinlake Rewards Allocation

Good day Community :raised_hand:

To date Total Rewards 22,099,985 CFG has been awarded to both AOs and LPs on Tinlake, currently CFG 550,015 is available to be distributed to Tinlake investors, which means we are nearing the end of the current rewards allocation. With the current TIN/DROP Rewards Rate and TVL, these awards will last approximately for the next 30 days.

The current rewards rate:

  • TIN Reward CFG 0.0003
  • DROP Reward CFG 0.0003
  • AO Reward CFG 0.0000

In order to not go into reward deficit and guarantee regular rewards claiming for Tinlake investors, and taking the governance process (off-chain and on-chain voting) into consideration, I would like to propose to mint and allocate an additional 1.8M CFG towards Tinlake liquidity rewards and keep the same rewards rate for TIN/DROP/AO (Council motion 18).

Approximatively an additional minting of 1.8M CFG with actual Rewards Rate and TVL will cover the upcoming rewards for the next 100 days from one side and will permit keeping inflation under 3% and remain responsive to any change to the external market conditions from another side.

Proposal Parameters

The proposal being put forward is the following:

  1. Mint 1’800’000 CFG into the rewards account
  2. Keep the same rewards rate for TIN/DROP at 0.0003 CFG
  3. Keep the same rewards rate for Asset Originator rewards at 0.0000 CFG

The main goal of this proposal is to sustainably continue and regular work of Tinlake and remain responsive to any upcoming change in the external market conditions.

Looking forward to any feedback and any concerns that you might have with this proposal.


Ciao Ivan.

Thanks for the proposal. My question is: are the additional rewards for the Flowcarbon-Pool, which will increase the TVL further, already included?
If not, what is the estimated/expected amount of TVL and the issued tokens for Flowcarbon?

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Good day Tjure07
The answer is only actual rewards and actual TVL, Rewards rates were included in the calculation.
Approximatively minting of 1.8M CFG with actual Rewards Rate and TVL will cover the upcoming rewards for the next 100 days.
In case we will have a significant TVL increasing in that case the Rewards Rate could be updated in advance.

Minting a lower amount, for example, 1.0M CFG will mean that we should start the new RFC process in less than 57 days. Frequently and recurring governance discussions, implementation, and time spent on this subject should not be as intensive in my opinion.

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Ciao ImdioR. Thanks for the reply. That’s actually what I was hinting at. If the TVL increases significantly through the new pool - which could be the case - it would be wise to increase the minted amount of tokens. Otherwise we will have the same RFC-discussion in a short time again.

Absolutely agree here, that’s why I would rather suggest to increase the minted amount of tokens (2.5M?) instead of lowering it.

Any numbers, how much TVL @Flowcarbon is aiming to onboard in the next weeks? I don’t have any on my mind from yesterday’s pool party

Despite the bear market Centrifuge shows very good results:
In any case during the Bull-market probably we could mint more to cover the potential increase of TVL.
Calculating with actual Rewards Rate and TVL the minting of 2.5M CFG will cover the upcoming rewards for the next 140 days. So we are talking about almost half of the year. In my modest opinion, so big amount is not required, and always better to remain responsive to any change in the market.

What about your second question:

Looks like FlowCarbon Pool is already online Tinlake | Centrifuge | Decentralized Asset Financing
Unfortunately, I can not give you any numbers. But let us see and in case we should take any action we can do this when will be necessary.

Max raise for Flowcarbon series 1 as per their Executive summary is $845k :man_technologist:


Good day SirJ
Thank you for your clarification. $845k definitely will not do a big difference and if in the future, this amount should multiplicate the rewards rate could be always regulated in the appropriate and adequate way.


Thank you ImdioR and @sirj for the clarification and the numbers. This is definitely no big increase in the TVL and the proposed amount of minted tokens makes sense

I just wanted to make sure, we aren’t running out of tokens earlier than expected


This proposal has moved to a snapshot vote (ex poll) :partying_face:

:arrow_forward: Please cast your vote via snapshot voting on Subsquare here.

Remember, that you don’t lose your CFG tokens by voting on Subsquare nor you are locking them.

Thanks, everyone for participating in the discussion.

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The snapshot vote has been closed.

Following on this: RFC: 2022-09-09 Updating Tinlake Rewards Allocation and in accordance with Update regarding Snapshot voting.

We just initiated the Council Motion: Updating Tinlake Rewards Allocation. This motion, if passed, will open up a referendum that will stay open for voting for 7 days (50,400 blocks @ 12s/block).

Council Motion 27: 2022-09-09 Updating Tinlake Rewards Allocation :

Referendum 13 passed with SimpleMajority at block 1398701.

Thank you for voting everyone.