Centrifuge Governance Call #21 | 2023-10-18

:spiral_calendar: :clock1230: Wednesday 18th October 18.00 CET / 12.00 ET

Hello Centrifuge DAO!

It is that time of the month again; our governance call is coming up and we are very excited to present this month’s agenda! There is proposal live in our DAO to update the transaction fees for pools on Centrifuge and this will extend the token utility which is something the community has inquired a lot about!

In our last call, we got unexpected visitors that caused the call to end earlier so we have put some security measurements in place to prevent that from happening going forwards. We have also carried over the topics that we didn’t get to cover last time.

For starters, everyone needs to register for the call (with the email they use to log in to Zoom) once and then they can access all subsequent calls. It takes less than a minute to register.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Please register here :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The agenda for this month is:

:spiral_calendar: Add the call to your calendar

:eyes: See the public Governance Calendar

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: Tune in, stay updated with all things governance and contribute to the future of Centrifuge - together we are shaping the future of finance!

:person_raising_hand: Feel free to suggest topics you think should be on the agenda as a reply to this post.

Well met!


The recording of Governance Call 21 is now live on our YouTube channel.


Excited to see the new Credit Group & Facilitator in action🚀