RFC: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards

Hello Community! :raised_hand:

Unfortunately, there are two users who were not able to claim their CFG for various reasons: indirect contributions and missed loyalty bonuses.

After several checking and control and despite the proposed solutions to the problem, as well as the comprehensive assistance provided by Centrifuge Ambassadors, Devs, and Team, these users were not able to receive their rewards.

Missed rewards list:

  • Indirect contribution via EQ - 1 user = 66.55 CFG
  • Missed loyalty bonus - 1 user = 363 CFG

Total amount: 430 CFG

I would like to propose minting the total number of tokens and distributing them to these two eligible users.

Proposal Parameters

The proposal being put forward is the following:

  1. Additional minting of 430 CFG into a multisig account 4cTwGSYkbpeZn5byhuLe2MrZa22aQJ6st3HJHg7Fyx3RLg7m
  2. Distribute missed rewards to all eligible users.

The RFC topic will be open for 7 days.

Looking forward to any feedback and any concerns that you might have with this proposal.

Governance process

Once the discussion about this proposal (RFC) has ended in 7 days, the steps will be as follows:

1. Create a snapshot vote on Opensquare for this proposal

The snapshot vote will be open for 7 days and will pass with a SimpleMajority (majority votes yes). If there is support for this proposal, it will move to an on-chain proposal.

2. Create a Council motion and fast-track it

If the snapshot vote passes, I will ask the Centrifuge council to create a motion and fast-track it. There will be a separate post here on the Forum, once it is done.

3. Public referendum

If the motion passes in the Council, it will go to a referendum vote, where all CFG token holders can vote. The referendum vote will be open for 7 days (50,400 blocks with an average block time of 12 sec).

4. Enactment

If the referendum passes, the rewards will be minted and deposited into the multisig account specified above.

If this proposal passes all steps, it will take around 21 days for it to pass and the rewards will be minted shortly after.

If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to reply to this post.
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Ciao Ivan.

There is no doubt, everyone who contributed to the CFG-crowdloan, locked his DOT and thus showed strong long-term support for the project should receive his/her crowdloan rewards.

This should be done asap

Any explanation, why both users didn’t receive their rewards at first?


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Good day Tjure07

Sorry for the delay.
Yes, we have an explanation.

One user was not present in the merkle tree and this is the reason why he was not able to claim his rewards.
Another user was system marked as not eligible for the loyalty bonus. Both of us I and Rhano checked trx fee and wallet address and we can confirm that this user should receive a loyalty bonus.

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Hello everyone! :raised_hand:

This proposal has moved to a snapshot vote (ex poll) :partying_face:

:arrow_forward: Please cast your vote via snapshot voting on OpenSquare here .

Remember, that you don’t lose your CFG tokens by voting in a snapshot vote nor are you locking them.

Thanks, everyone for participating in the discussion.

Forum post: Snapshot vote: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards

Hello Community! :raised_hand:
The snapshot vote for this proposal has passed.

Voted 2.49M CFG

The next step: The Council Motion (or Public Proposal), asking for the required funds, will be created soon.
If the referendum will passes successfully, the funds will be transferred to a proxy account.

We will keep you updated on the progress here in this post.
The Proxy account will be Public in a way that the Community will be able to verify all transactions on Subscan.

Thank everyone for voting and for participating.

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Hello everyone,

Following on this: RFC: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards ( RFC: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards ) and in accordance with Update regarding Snapshot vote ( Snapshot vote: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards ).

We just initiated the Council Motion 44: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards . This motion, if passed, will open up a referendum that will stay open for voting for 7 days (50,400 blocks @ 12s/block).

Hola buenas tardes ice una participación en la parachen de polkadot, pero se me ha sido imposible reclamar las recompensas, si alguien me pueda ayudar estaría agradecido muchas, esta es la dirección de mi billetera gracias 12Qn3PvzKQaGD6dptEp34qpu2zHShSBsVzr2FdAKTLYXPMLi

Buenos días Alejandro, por favor trate de reclamar ahora

Good evening Community!
Referendum 24 has passed with SimpleMajority at block 1858903.

As soon as the funds have arrived, we will start the distribution to eligible users.
Thank everyone for voting!

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Good evening Community :hugs:

We have now distributed all funds to the affected users mentioned in this proposal. Everyone should have received their funds by now.

You can check all transactions on Subscan here .

Thank you for your patience everyone :pray: Be happy, be Centrifuge :cyclone: And have a nice Sunday all! :heart_decoration: