Council Motion 44: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards

Hello everyone,

Following on this: RFC: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards ( RFC: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards ) and in accordance with Update regarding Snapshot vote ( Snapshot vote: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards ).

We just initiated the Council Motion 44: Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards . This motion, if passed, will open up a referendum that will stay open for voting for 7 days (50,400 blocks @ 12s/block).

Councillors, please cast your vote 1 at your earliest convenience.

The text to the proposal can be found here:

# 2022-03-10 Distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards
By casting your vote on-chain, you indicate your approval of minting and distribution of unclaimable CFG rewards :
1. Mint  430 CFG into the Proxy account 4cTwGSYkbpeZn5byhuLe2MrZa22aQJ6st3HJHg7Fyx3RLg7m (set balance to 430 CFG)
## References
1. [Snapshot Vote] ( )
2. [RFC] ( )

All the best.

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Council Motion 44 didn’t pass in the council as not enough councillors voted on it.

We will ask the council to submit the motion again and there will be a new post once that is done.

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Council Motion 44 has been resubmitted as Council Motion 45 with exactly the same parameters.