GCG Status Q3 2023

Hello Community!

The third quarter of 2023 has been a very active period in our growing ecosystem, especially September! On top of all the events that Centrifuge has hosted/participated in, a lot of proposals have also been made in our DAO.

Bull market or bear market, summer or winter, we keep building to improve our protocol to offer the go-to platform for financing assets.

GCG is proud to be part of this development and facilitate the processes so they run smoothly and correctly.

Below, you can read exactly what we have been up to and what we will be focusing on going forward. If you want to read our previous status reports, you can do that here:

:raising_hand_man: Proposals Made

:handshake: Proposals Facilitated

:phone: Hosting Monthly Governance Call

Governance Calls hosted and moderated by the GCG in Q3 2023:

:white_check_mark: Other Deliverables

Monitoring & Announcing Governance Processes

  • GCG has monitored all Governance processes in order to ensure that they were created correctly and posts were made in the appropriate sections of our Forum and assisted proposers in the process.
    All proposals have been announced in our communication channels for full transparency to our community, with short explanations of what they are about, where and how to vote on them and their deadlines. Titles of the proposals are also edited on SubSquare for clarity. We have created a spreadsheet with all on-going and ended proposals which is publicly available.

Updating Governance Documentation

  • When changes are made to our governance process (after approval from the DAO), the relevant documentation must be updated. We have updated our documentation so they reflect the recent changes made in CP52. We also updated the Code of Conduct in the documentation, based on CP29.

Governance Collaboration With Other Projects

  • In the process of discussing our migration to OpenGov, we have been collaborating with other projects in the ecosystem who already have migrated (like Moonbeam, Bifrost and Robonomics) to better understand some of the implications. Especially @leemo has been a big help and source of information in this process.

Assisting With DAO Slack

  • Regular updates about ongoing governance events for Active Contributors and Daily Contributors and also helping with onboarding and inviting new members to Centrifuge DAO Slack.

Moderating Our Communication Channels

  • We are constantly present and keep an eye on all our channels to both assist the community with their issues/questions and make sure that it is a safe and pleasant environment for everyone to be in - and moderate if needed.

:face_with_monocle: Main Focus Areas Q4 2023

Going into Q4, our main focus areas will be:

Researching Migration To OpenGov

  • The discussion to migrate to OpenGov has already started and a lot of people have already contributed to the discussion. It is a matter of when and not if, whether we migrate. However, we are not quite ready to make a formal proposal yet as there are still some things we need clarified in terms of tracks and parameters. A migration to OpenGov will affect areas like our treasury and on-chain POP submissions, so we have to be 100% sure that we get the best possible and most secure setup. Within the next two weeks, the GCG will propose some specific (initial) tracks and parameters that the DAO will discuss and provide input on.

Delegation Tool and Token Utility Dashboard

  • The Token Delegation Research confirmed and emphasized issues with the delegation process. Based on the received results, we initiated the research for Delegation Tools and Delegation Dashboards that will facilitate the delegation process and makes it easier for CFG token holders to delegate their voting power.

We are looking forward to keep working on our focus areas in Q4 to improve our governance!