Greetings Centrifuge DAO!
Another quarter has passed and despite summer and holidays, there were plenty of tasks for the GCG to look after.
We assisted the DAO in our transition to OpenGov on Altair where we currently are testing out the tracks and parameters and made sure that our governance process is followed every time a proposal is made.
In addition to overseeing our governance process, we also constantly try to encourage all our Active Contributors to keep participating in our governance by commenting and voting on proposals. We do this by educating them about how our governance works by doing both individual and group sessions - being transparent about our governance by announcing all ongoing votes across our communication channels is crucial in this process.
We believe that there is experience to be gained by looking outside our own DAO and getting actively involved in governance in other DAOs, which is why we started engaging in discussions/votes and joining other projects’ governance calls.
If you want to read our previous status reports, you can do that here.
Proposals made by GCG
Proposals Facilitated/Assisted by GCG
- CP119: Runtime Upgrade 1300 (passed)
- CP117: Give a mandate to form the Treasury Advisory Group (passed)
- CP120: Fix incorrect Protocol Fees for Anemoy DeFi Yield Fund 1 (rejected)
- CP123: Runtime Upgrade 1400 (passed)
- CP128: Amendments to CP2 component (passed)
- CP130: Goals and Themes for Resource Allocation for the Centrifuge Treasury (passed)
Hosting Monthly Governance Call
Governance Calls hosted and moderated by the GCG in Q3 2024:
Other Deliverables
Managing Partnership Tickets on Discord
- We screen all partnership tickets we get on Discord and follow up with a call with those proposals that could be interesting for our DAO to explore or facilitate the contact to the relevant person in the DAO.
Fixing incorrect information about the CFG token/TVL
- Whenever we find incorrect information displayed on various websites, we contact the relevant projects and help them with providing the correct data. Coingecko, CoinMarketCap, Coinbase, Forbes are just a few examples of companies we have reached out to in order to correct the errors.
Testing and Providing Feedback on the Centrifuge App
- @ImdioR is spending time testing the Centrifuge App and suggesting feedback to improve the user experience and reporting bugs to the devs.
Maintaining the Proposal Repository on GitHub
- Every proposal in our DAO is submitted to GitHub and logged. Whenever a proposal is submitted and ended in our DAO, we update the information there.
Assisting With DAO Slack
- Regular updates about ongoing governance events for Active Contributors and also helping with onboarding and inviting new members to Centrifuge DAO Slack.
Moderating Our Communication Channels
- We are constantly present and keep an eye on all our channels to both assist the community with their issues/questions and make sure that it is a safe and pleasant environment for everyone to be in, and moderate if needed. We have taken some security precautions on Discord to mitigate the risks of scammer attacks (disabling link posting and DMs) which has had a very positive effect so far. Unused bots have also been removed.
Main Focus Areas Q4 2024
In addition to the governance related tasks, GCG will have these focus areas going into the next quarter.
Expanding our DAO by attracting more Active Contributors
This is going to be one of our main focus areas and we will achieve this by attending events across the world where we most likely are going to find both experts and people who are passionate about what Centrifuge is doing. Also, being involved in other DAOs will increase the chances of finding some good candidates.
Planning and hosting Active Contributors call
GCG will continue hosting our quarterly call for Active Contributors to the Centrifuge DAO. In these calls, alpha is usually shared from the different areas of our DAO (marketing, development, business development etc.).
We are proud to be part of shaping our governance, DAO, protocol and tools going forward and are excited about what Q4 has to offer!
All the best,