Centrifuge Governance Call #30 | 2024-09-18

:spiral_calendar: :clock1230: Wednesday 18th September 18.00 CET / 12.00 ET

Greetings Centrifuge DAO!

After a little summer break in August, we are now back with a new packed and exciting agenda for our governance call!

The name of the game this month is Treasury as all topics are related to that.

The TAG has only existed since last month, but they have already written a report and submitted two proposals to our DAO, in order to create goals for resource allocation and improve the process around funding from our treasury - both proposals are on the agenda.

We also have an ongoing proposal to the Polkadot DAO for them to allocate 1.5M USDC of their stablecoins in their treasury into the Anemoy LTF pool! The process so far has been a roller coaster in terms voting - we will update you on this proposal as well!

Come and hear more about all this and join us in the discussions - bring your questions!

Remember, that if you haven’t registered for our governance calls yet, you need to do it. If you already have registered, please use the link you already have received. You only need to register once.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Please register here :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

The agenda so far is:

:spiral_calendar: Add the call to your calendar

:eyes: See the public Governance Calendar

:person_raising_hand: Feel free to suggest topics you think should be on the agenda as a reply to this post.

Well met!


I would like 5 minutes to highlight MarkitLend’s proposal for a Pool. :smile:


Thanks much for giving MarkitLend the opportunity to highlight its pool proposal.