Centrifuge Governance Call #26 | 2024-04-17

:spiral_calendar: :clock1230: Wednesday 17th April 18.00 CET / 12.00 ET

Hello Centrifuge DAO!

:index_pointing_at_the_viewer: :moneybag: This month, we have quite a few topics to govern and the DAO needs YOUR input on them. Four of the topics are related to our treasury; one updated agreement on how to spend the funds in the treasury and two treasury proposals. Don’t miss out on this - it’s YOUR treasury!

:new: Another big and important proposal that just came in this morning is a proposal to build an RWA Lending Market and fund it in order to allow lending and borrowing against eligible pool tokens! Come and hear the presentation and join the discussion!

:ocean: There was a Pool Party with the NS3 Pool last month and the vote to launch the pool was passed by the token holders and the issuer will give a brief overview on the pool.

Remember, that if you haven’t registered for our governance calls yet, you need to do it. If you already have registered, please use the link you received last time.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Please register here :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

The agenda so far is:

:spiral_calendar: Add the call to your calendar

:eyes: See the public Governance Calendar

:person_raising_hand: Feel free to suggest topics you think should be on the agenda as a reply to this post.

Well met!


The recording of the governance call is now uploaded to our YouTube channel.

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