Governance Update August 2024

The Governance & Coordination Group will provide a monthly update about all ended and on-going proposals - both in our own and in the broader crypto ecosystem - so the DAO can stay updated.


Ended proposals (1st August - 31st August)

CP# Proposal Status Ended
117 Give a mandate to form the Treasury Advisory Group passed 3/8/2024
123 Runtime Upgrade 1400 passed 6/8/2024
126 Recovery of lost tokens in bridge transaction passed 2/9/2024

On-going proposals

CP# Proposal Status Ending
127 Open 11 XCM channels and register parachain tokens rfc N/A

You can find a list of all passed CPs to date in the Centrifuge Proposal Repository on GitHub.

On-going governance discussions

These discussions are for sharing ideas and receiving feedback to help sharpen any forthcoming proposals.


Proposals made in other DAOs

These are proposals made by Centrifuge Active Contributors in other DAOs.

On-going proposals

Proposal Where Status Ending
Inclusion of Centrifuge in Marketing Narratives Polkadot DAO voting latest 5/9/2024
Proposal for the Polkadot Community to Earn RWA Yield on Idle Stablecoins via Centrifuge Polkadot DAO voting latest 1/10/2024

Inclusion of Centrifuge in Marketing Narratives

This is a proposal submitted to the Polkadot DAO by @ImdioR in order to include Centrifuge in marketing narratives funded by Polkadot Bounty #33 – Marketing Bounty.

The proposal is live as Referendum 1059 on Polkadot OpenGov and any DOT holder can vote in this proposal.

Proposal for the Polkadot Community to Earn RWA Yield on Idle Stablecoins via Centrifuge

This is a proposal made by @GraysonAlto, with support from @ImdioR and @The_Phunky_One, and is a treasury proposal made to the Polkadot DAO to allocate 3M USDC of their idle stablecoins in their treasury to invest in Centrifuge’s T-Bill pool, Anemoy Liquid Treasury Fund.

The proposal is live as Referendum 1122 on Polkadot OpenGov and any DOT holder can vote in this proposal.

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