CP119: Runtime Upgrade 1300

cp: 119
title: Runtime Upgrade 1300
author: k/f
contributors: WilliamFreude 
uses-component: CP3.1
technical-proposal: yes
requires-onchain: yes
impacts/modifies: CP118
status: passed
date-proposed: 2024-07-07
date-ended: 2024-07-09

About this proposal

Fixing issue with metadata check hash which blocked Ledger App support. Upgrade Priority:

  • Full Nodes: Low
  • Collators: Low

List of content of this Runtime Upgrade

Fixes issue for Ledger App support: The necessary metadata hash check extension was not properly enabled in the WASM of Centrifuge v0.11.3

Breaking Changes


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨
Summary generated with srtool:1.77.0-0.15.0:
 Package     : centrifuge-runtime v0.13.0
 GIT commit  : 3e02647
 GIT tag     : v0.13.0
 GIT branch  : release-v0.13.0
 Rustc       : 1.77.0 (aedd173a2 2024-03-17)
 Time        : 2024-07-05T14:11:38Z

== Compressed
🏋️  Runtime size:             2.079 MB (2,180,479 bytes) ⚠️ HEAVY
🗜  Compressed:               Yes, 79.16%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             centrifuge-1300 (centrifuge-1.tx2.au1)
🗳️  Blake2-256 hash:          0x0e1dbece5c110f7b1b389a76385749a413e2916630b75f6db519b1fa57eca71b
📦 IPFS:                     https://www.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmbXAvdtNgpABF5ZkQLwxx2LV2jvDqwurJFJydZ3rz6aBv

Governance process for this proposal

  1. Council Motion + fast-track
  2. Referendum vote open for 900 blocks (~3 hours)
  3. If the referendum passes, the upgrade will be authorized immediately after and can be enacted

Council Motion 98 for authorizing Runtime Upgrade 1300 is live.

If passed, this motion will create a referendum for all CFG token holders to vote on with a voting period of 900 blocks (3 hours). The motion is being fast-tracked.

Please vote on this motion here at your earliest convenience councillors:

Referendum 60 for CP119: Runtime Upgrade 1300 passed at block #5856321 (9th July 2024) and has been enacted.


The Ledger issue should how be resolved!

Thank you for voting!