CP98: Runtime Upgrade 1028

Uses component: CP3.1
Author(s): k/f
Contributor(s):@WilliamFreude, @luis, @goperez
Proposal on Proposal Repository (Github): https://github.com/centrifuge/cps/blob/main/cps/CP98.md
Date proposed: 2024-03-29

About this proposal

We discovered two minor bugs on Centrifuge which need to be hotfixed. They don’t impose a security issue but block the Anemoy pool from advancing its epoch.

Therefore, we need to perform another minor Centrifuge RU to version 1028 ASAP.

List of content of this Runtime Upgrade

  • Fix: Unblock update_collection call by reducing PoV requirements
  • Fix: Registers active loans of Anemoy Pool in OracleCollection pallet


✨ Your Substrate WASM Runtime is ready! ✨
Summary generated with srtool:1.75.0-0.14.0:
 Package     : centrifuge-runtime v0.10.28
 GIT commit  : 1a9e385
 GIT tag     : v0.10.39
 GIT branch  : main
 Rustc       : 1.75.0 (82e1608df 2023-12-21)
 Time        : 2024-03-29T08:13:40

== Compressed
🏋️  Runtime size:             1.806 MB (1,893,411 bytes)
🗜  Compressed:               Yes, 78.52%
✨ Reserved meta:            OK - [6D, 65, 74, 61]
🎁 Metadata version:         V14
🔥 Core version:             centrifuge-1028 (centrifuge-1.tx2.au1)
🗳️  Blake2-256 hash:          0x944d685968ef5ab95688af096c758e5c7141ad1d259c32ce4878dfff0d6bbaa6
📦 IPFS:                     https://www.ipfs.io/ipfs/QmZDn6puL4JaN93LgYt9nvY1zjMY4tjzsDMRkfGQSHo9vx

Release Notes: v0.10.38

Docker Image: docker pull centrifugeio/centrifuge-chain:main-1a9e385-2024-03-29

Full Changelog: v0.10.38…v0.10.39

Governance process for this proposal

  1. Council Motion + fast-track
  2. Referendum vote open for 7,200 blocks (~24 hours)
  3. If the referendum passes, enactment will be immediately after

Once the council motion has been submitted, it will be announced in this topic.

Council Motion 87 has just been submitted to the Centrifuge Council.

Please vote on Council Motion 87 at your earliest convenience Councillors!

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: CP98: Runtime Upgrade 1028

:ballot_box: Vote on SubSquare: CP98: Runtime Upgrade 1028

@branan @thespaceacatjr @prankstr25 @cassidy @vedhavyas @mikiquantum @Ash @Yarosl6

Council Motion 87 has passed and now becomes Referendum 53 for all CFG token holders to vote on.

The referendum is open for 7,200 blocks (~24 hours).

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: CP98: Runtime Upgrade 1028

:ballot_box: Vote on SubSquare: CP98: Runtime Upgrade 1028

Referendum 53 has passed and the runtime upgrade has been authorized.
