Centrifuge Governance Call #29 | 2024-07-17

:spiral_calendar: :clock1230: Wednesday 17th July 18.00 CET / 12.00 ET

Greetings Centrifuge DAO!

:sunny: RWA Summer is upon is and some people have already gone on holidays - but Centrifuge never sleeps!

:belgium: Last week, Centrifuge hosted RWA Brussels that gathered many of the big players in our industry in high quality panel discussions. They all came together to shape the future of the tokenized asset industry.

:new: October last year, Centrifuge devs co-authored EIP-7540 that aims to revamp the tokenized vaults standard for RWAs - this standard was officially finalized last month!

:person_raising_hand: Centrifuge DAO members have also started a discussion in the Polkadot DAO for a potential allocation from their DAO Treasury into Anemoy LTF!

Come and hear more about all this and join us in the discussions - bring your questions!

Remember, that if you haven’t registered for our governance calls yet, you need to do it. If you already have registered, please use the link you already have received. You only need to register once.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Please register here :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

The agenda so far is:

:spiral_calendar: Add the call to your calendar

:eyes: See the public Governance Calendar

:person_raising_hand: Feel free to suggest topics you think should be on the agenda as a reply to this post.

Well met!

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