GCG Status Q1 2023

It has been a busy start to the year for the Governance & Coordination Group (@ImdioR & @Rhano) with many proposals made and facilitated.

Apart from all the proposals, there has been a lot of other important tasks that required our attention. We always strive to improve all aspects of our governance and we have transparency, simplicity and accessibility in mind when doing it.

Below you can read what we have been up to and we will be focusing on going forward. If you want to read our status for Q4 2022, you can do that here.

:raising_hand_man: Proposals Made

:handshake: Proposals Facilitated

:phone: Hosting Monthly Governance Call

Governance Calls hosted and moderated by the GCG in Q1 2023:

:white_check_mark: Other Deliverables

Monitoring & Announcing Governance Processes

  • We have monitored all Governance processes to ensure that they were created correctly and posts were made in the appropriate sections of our Forum and assisted proposers in the process. All proposals have been announced in our communication channels for full transparency to our community, with short explanations of what they are about, where and how to vote on them and their deadlines. Titles of the proposals are also edited on SubSquare for clarity. We have created a spreadsheet with all on-going and ended proposals which is publicly available.

Moderating Our Communication Channels

  • We are constantly present and keep an eye on all our channels to both assist the community with their issues/questions and make sure that it is a safe and pleasant environment for everyone to be in - and moderate if needed.

Updating Governance Documentation

  • We have updated our governance documentation as the old one was outdated and didn’t reflect our new governance process and UI/tools. It covers our governance process, off- and on-chain voting and delegation/governance proxies. Check it out here.

Governance Collaboration With Other Projects

  • We have started working together with some of the other projects in the Polkadot ecosystem to see how we can improve from a governance perspective. There was a call with Karma (DAO and governance tools) back in January where some of the projects (including Centrifuge) participated to hear more about tools for delegation.

Assisting With DAO Slack Setup

  • With the passing of our Founding Documents, Levels of Engagement for contributors were defined and Active Contributors invited to our DAO Slack.

:face_with_monocle: Main Focus Areas Q2 2023

Going into Q2, our main focus points will be:

Improvements To Our Current CP Framework and Governance Process

  • We have learned a lot the last 6 months about our governance process and have identified some areas where it can be improved/simplified. We have already started describing the specific changes and are aiming to make a proposal within the next couple of months for the community to vote on.

Researching Potential Migration To OpenGov

  • OpenGov has been live on Kusama since November 2022 and will soon be up for a referendum vote on Polkadot to be implemented in an upcoming runtime upgrade. Some parachains have already decided that they want to migrate to OpenGov and it is up to individual projects when/if they want to do this. We will start the preliminary discussions soon to determine the implications of a possible migration and invite teams who have made the decision to migrate in order to get their input too.

Researching Solutions For Delegation

  • We have started looking into other projects on how they use delegation to better understand the benefits and disadvantages of it. This will be a longer process that requires a lot of input, research and discussion before making a decision on whether we want to pursue something similar - and if we do, how we want to design it.

We are looking really forward to keep working on our focus areas in Q2 to improve our governance!


Thanks for this update @Rhano. You and @ImdioR are doing a great job in forming the governance process and explaining difficult governance topics to the community. :muscle:

It’s great to have a detailed overview for governance-related topics, in addition to the monthly summary which covers governance only in parts. :clap:

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