2023-July Centrifuge Monthly Summary

2023-July Centrifuge Monthly Summary

Welcome to our monthly summary of community news, events and governance updates from the Centrifuge Ecosystem for July!

The summer in the Northern hemisphere is in full strength and despite the holiday season, Centrifuge is present on stage and in the news, improving the ambassador program for the community and introducing a new platform for the blog! This and more exciting news can be found in this newsletter!

Key Metrics

  • Total Value Locked (7/31/23): $227.23M (MakerDAO: $125M; RWA Market: $4.2M)
  • Total Active Loans: $226M
  • Total Assets Originated: $424M
  • Originated in July: $24.7M
  • Assets repaid in June: $10.6
  • Token Holders: 46,443 Wallets


The Ecosystem is focused on educating the world about Centrifuge, creating visibility and opportunity for RWAs, and sharing the narrative of how the world’s credit will be financed through DeFi.

July highlights include:


The Community is represented primarily by individuals and organizations that are actively participating in governance, contributing to processes and discourse, and are economically tied to the success of Centrifuge.

  • Say hello to the brand-new Centrifuge blog!! https://centrifuge.mirror.xyz/ Centrifuge has moved to Mirror - a web3 native onchain publishing. At the same time we overhauled the design and language to make it even more readable.:fire:
  • Here is the most recent published article on the new Mirror with Colin presenting an introduction to the Centrifuge Credit Group
  • It’s time for some Real Talk, an honest conversation about the future of DeFi and Centrifuge presented by Jake Lynch. The TL;DR of his in depth analysis: without Real-World Assets and the allocation of credit, the current market will not be able to grow beyond a substantial amount.
  • In July the Centrifuge Ambassador Program 2.0 was launched! It’s the chance for everyone who is passionate about RWAs and DeFi to actively participate in the Centrifuge DAO. After 140 applications have been received the submission for this round stopped already! Thanks to everyone who showed his/her interest in the program! :clap: Until a new round is launched, you can actively contribute to the ecosystem and increase your chances for the next cycle.
  • Community Intros: Speaking of new ambassadors: Welcome onboard LuisG as an Active contributor to the Centrifuge ecosystem! :wave: Luis as mexican native takes care of the Hispanic/Spanish speaking community. :pray:t2:
  • Some updates from the Aave community as well the introduction of the Request for Grants by the Aave Grants DAO.

And more news from the community:
@our network_: RWA Mega Issue: Coverage on Tokenized US Treasuries, Institutional Adoption, and more:cyclone:

@JindrichGreen: I firmly believe this is just the beginning of a great long-term sibling relationship between HydraDX & Centrifuge
@stellaswap: Explosive performance of $CFG on Pulsar! :boom:as well as DrCao covering the Centrifuge listing on Stellaswap
@santiagoroel: Thoughts on DeFi catalysts

:calendar: Save the date(s):
Centrifuge governance call #19 on August 16 :classical_building:
Real-World Asset Summit on September 19 :studio_microphone:

Centrifuge on the road:

  • Permissionless
  • Token2049
  • Berlin Blockchain Week
  • Mainnet


:exclamation::exclamation: You know the drill: Please actively participate in the governance process, leave your comments and remarks in the RFCs and vote on open proposals :exclamation::exclamation: :ballot_box::writing_hand:

  • The Centrifuge governance call #19 was postponed to August 16 due to the ongoing holiday season. A new invitation with the agenda will be published in the forum soon.
  • Governance discussion Altair: Lucas made the proposal or rather asked the question: Should every Centrifuge collator be required to run a collator on the Altair network as well? Comments and remarks are welcome in the post.

Protocol :cyclone:

The Protocol is represented primarily by organizations that are actively using Centrifuge’s technology to facilitate the underwriting, structuring, and financing of RWAs.

Product & Engineering

  • New Silver with NS3 is the first Asset Originator who submitted an application within the POP to launch a pool on the Centrifuge app! It would allow New Silver to lower the costs and provide higher returns to investors.
  • Pool update: GIG Pool shutdown notice: all assets in the GIG pool have been repaid and every investor can redeem the funds from the pool.
  • UrbanGate Capital July update: Thanks to Will Coleman for this July update, new metrics and insights into his business :clap:
  • After the implementation of Block rewards and the Collator Cycle for Centrifuge chain, all Collators receive their Collator rewards without the need to go through the governance process! A manual on how to claim the Collator rewards can be found in the forum.

Stay tuned for the next monthly update with definitely more news, governance updates and developments from the ecosystem!

What are your thoughts and your comments? Please share your feedback as reply to this post below or you can get in touch with the team, our ambassadors or moderators in Discord!