Validator Program Announcement

Announcing the first batch of our Validator Program

Chorus One
60’000 RAD
Chorus One is a fully remote, Swiss-based startup focused on staking services and validation infrastructure. They were among the first teams to focus on the opportunity of operating infrastructure for decentralized networks, ultimately seeking to help token holders to participate, earn rewards, and help them shape the network they are invested in.

30’000 RAD
30’000 RAD
A small team of two people, they started their independent validation venture in 2019. They pride themselves on supporting the projects that have value for people and real-world use cases. Apart from Centrifuge, they also run validators for Kava, Kusama and Regen Network (testnet).

30’000 RAD
OpenStake is a group of like-minded people who are interested in blockchain and crypto, particularly focusing on new and upcoming networks. Their background comes from lending industry, with track record of creating and launching peer to peer lending platform and business.

60’000 RAD
PureStake provides infrastructure services, APIs, and developer tools for next-generation blockchain networks. They focus on a small number of networks so they can deliver high-quality services that are as secure as possible, while maximizing uptime and performance.

Stake Capital
60’000 RAD
Stake Capital DAO is a revenue sharing DAO which tokenizes Stake Capital’s DeFi services and uses staking derivatives to unlock additional decentralized products. The Stake Capital DAO distributes value generated by a basket of DeFi services to stakeholders.
30’000 RAD is excited to be part of the Centrifuge community and looking forward to running multiple validators and secure infrastructure in support of the network. Staked operates highly reliable and secure staking infrastructure for 20+ PoS protocols on behalf of the leading crypto asset investors in the industry.

Stake Fish
60’000 RAD is a validator for PoS blockchains and a staking service provider for blockchain projects. They invest time and effort to help secure blockchains that they believe will be used decades down the road.

Staker Space
30’000 RAD
Staker Space was initially started as a hobby and grew out to be almost a full-time job. They are trying to achieve one thing by validating which is having no down-time and 24/7 availability. They do this on the following networks: Kusama, Terra, Solana, Edgeware, Cardano, Centrifuge and Future Polkadot.