💡 Return of DOT contributed in the Centrifuge crowdloan 💡

:boom: Return of DOT contributed in the Centrifuge crowdloan :boom:

:repeat: People who contributed DOT to Centrifuge during the crowdloan will get their DOT unlocked the 16th January.

:arrow_right: If you contributed directly to Centrifuge (through official crowdloan page or polkadot.js/apps), you will get your DOT back AUTOMATICALLY in your wallet on that date - no action is required.

:question: If you contributed through a 3rd party (Parallel, Bifrost, Equilibrium, exchange…), then please inquire the claiming process (if any) with them.

:pray: Thanks again for supporting Centrifuge in the Polkadot auctions!


Thank you for this update. :pray:

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This is a follow up on the original announcement: All DOTs have been transferred back to all contributors!*
*for everyone who contributed through the official crowdloan page or polkadot.js/apps


Thanks again for supporting Centrifuge in the Polkadot auctions! :pray:


Thank you for the update.

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