Hi Everyone,
Thanks for your patience and understanding as we try to solve the issue of the last crowdloan claims on Centrifuge!
We have identified the issue and we expect a fix to enable claims for Parallel, Bifrost, and Equilibrium users to be live by May 6.
If you are interested to read the details
The reason these users are having issues is because of the way that these platforms work to submit the crowdloan contribution. On the Polkadot relay chain we see the address of the Parallel, Bifrost, or Equilibrium team multisigs as the contributing address, and not the user addresses. This means that we had to update claims on Centrifuge chain to add the actual user addresses (which we can also verify on the Polkadot chain associated with each contribution). Unfortunately even though everything was updated correctly on Centrifuge chain, there is an issue with the way the claims page checks these addresses. Don’t worry, we are working on the fix and it should be ready soon.
Thanks again for your patience!