Council Motion 88: Discontinue Polkadot Crowdloan Claims

Good day
On date 05th of February the proposal CP:84 Unclaimed Polkadot Rewards was approved by CFG Token holders.

The 60(sixty) days of crowdloan rewards claiming period started on the 05th of February and was over on the 05th of April.

Please note that all unclaimed Polkadot rewards will remain unclaimed and will not be transferred anywhere.

This is a technical requirement in order to implement the discontinuation of Polkadot Crowdloan rewards.

Councillors, please vote on this motion at your earliest convenience.

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Please vote on Council Motion 88 as soon as possible, councillors.

@branan @thespaceacatjr @prankstr25 @cassidy @vedhavyas @mikiquantum @lucasvo @Yarosl6

Council Motion 88 has passed. The claiming of Centrifuge crowdloan rewards has now been disabled.

Thank you for voting councillors!

How would be possible that holder approbed something like this?
those were my rewards and you keep them , so now you have a better value because circulating are lower.
Can not beleive holders aprobe that !
tokens should be send to the wallets, like in many other crowdloans !