How to claim CFG rewards from the Centrifuge crowdloan on Polkadot

Hey crowdloan participants - CFG claims are live!

Check out the Launch Process post for more information and stay tuned for updates.

After the claims are enabled, follow the below guide on how to claim CFG rewards for your DOT contribution to the Centrifuge crowdloan on Polkadot. (Adapted from the great guide for Altair!)

Contribution with Polkadot{.js} extension:

If you contributed directly on the official Centrifuge crowdloan page, navigate to and connect the account with your DOT wallet that you used to contribute to the crowdloan, using the extension.
The account has to be set to “Allow use on any chain” or “Polkadot Relay Chain” in the extension.

You should now be able to see your CFG rewards displayed on the page, including bonuses. Once the claims go live you will see a button to claim rewards. Click the Claim rewards button. It could take around 20-30 seconds so don’t click away from the page.

If the Polkadot{.js} extension is not connecting to the claim page, make sure to do this first in the settings:

If you want to see your CFG rewards after claiming, check this post to see how: :point_down:

Contribution through Fearless Wallet:

If you contributed through Fearless Wallet, you also have to claim your rewards but first you need to export your DOT account (that you contributed from) to Polkadot{.js} extension.

To export your DOT account from Fearless Wallet, go to Settings → Accounts → info → Export → Mnemonic passphrase” and write down your 12-word seed phrase. Never share it with anyone!

Then open Polkadot.js.extension from your browser and import your DOT account, using those 12 words.


Once that’s done, follow the exact same steps above for claiming rewards :point_up_2:

Contribution through Polkawallet:

If you contributed through Polkawallet, you also have to export your DOT account (that you contributed from) to Polkadot{.js} extension. See the screenshots on the right above from Fearless Wallet to see how to import your account to the extension, using your 12-word seed phrase.

Once that’s done, follow the exact same steps above for claiming rewards :point_up_2:

Contribution through liquid DOT platform (Parallel or Equilibrium)

If you contributed through Parallel or Equilibrium, make sure that the account that you used to contribute through Parallel or Equilibrium is available in the Polkadot{.js} extension. Then follow the exact steps above for claiming rewards.

Contribution through an exchange (Kucoin or Kraken etc.)

If you contributed through an exchange or other third party, you have to await instructions from them to get your rewards. Contact them directly if you haven’t heard from them.

If the exchange is asking for an Centrifuge wallet address before you can get your CFG tokens, please see here how to create one, using the Polkadot.js.extension.

Happy claiming!


all seems easy enough but i am having trouble connecting to the Centrifuge Parachain Crowdloan page it wont let me connect my js wallet any ideas ? is the page live . thanks

Good day Holysmoke
You should authorize your polkadot extension on Centrifuge website.
Just please click on icon of Polkadot extension → Settings → Manage website access

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wow after weeks of trying all i had to do was ask. thank you thats me through that stage .

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You are always welcome Holysmoke
Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.

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You didn’t mention Bifrost in the liquid platform list, any specific process or not ?

Hi @SupDup44, this claiming instruction is for CFG from the Polkadot auction - I assume you are talking about the Kusama auction to claim you AIR.

The Altair council will make a proposal so those who contributed to Altair through Bifrost - and weren’t able to claim - can get their tokens from the Altair treasury.

It is explained in this post here.

No i’m talking about Polkadot.
It’s the post about Polkadot here :innocent:.

If i’m not wrong SALP was open for the Centrifuge Crowdloan.

I’m maybe wrong, can you confirm that Bifrost is not concerned, i don’t remember :thinking:
I can see Centrifuge in the list of supoorted project in Bifrost

No, you’re right - you could contribute to Centrifuge through Bitfrost. I just assumed it was the Kusama crowdloan as I remember we talked in TG about the claiming :slight_smile:

Bitfrost users will have to claim the same way as Parallel and Equilibrium (by connecting the wallet, that you contributed from, to the claim page when claiming is available later this week).

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Hi team, I contributed using polkadot.js, followed the steps in the OP, but I still don’t see any “Claim Rewards” button, even though I have some hundreds of CFG to claim.

Any idea on how to fix this?

Hi omnifient, claiming has been delayed so it will go live next week. You can read about the reason for it in this tweet:

ah, thought it was already live
thanks Rhano :+1:


I thought the claim rewards was already live. Extremely confusing. Poor communication and a waste of everyones time! Please confirm when a user will be able to claim?

Good day Synth
I’m so sorry that you find claiming rewards process extremely confusing.
But I would like to emphasize to you, that this topic tutorial and not an announcement channel.
All onboarding/migration steps (and I would like to repeat ALL steps) were announced and posted here:

  1. Centrifuge Launch process -
  2. All Runtime Upgrade or motions/referenda were posted and discussed firstly off-chain and after voted on-chain -
  3. All essential info was published also in 4 telegram channels:
    Main channel -
    Trading channel -
    Announcement channel -
    Chinese channel -
    All these info also was posted in our Discord channel here -

You can double-check by yourself all links/messages and you will find that Centrifuge Team announced all steps and explained the onboarding/migration process step by step.

If you have any question feel free to ask.


Boom! Claiming is available now!
The Runtime Upgrade was executed correctly and the Crowdloan Pallets have been initialized.
Claiming page: Centrifuge Parachain Crowdloan | Centrifuge: Real World DeFi
Tutorial: How to claim CFG rewards from the Centrifuge crowdloan on Polkadot
Happy claiming!

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Hi again,

We need CFG to claim CFG

Are you going to solve this issue ?

I wil try to stay calm as long as i can i promise, remembering i needed 1 month and a half to be able to claim my AIR and the epic hidden AIR listing joke on Kraken.

So how do we proceed ? Any faucet ? Any distribution ?

Thx in advance.
(Please don’t tell me you didn’t think about this :expressionless:)

Bonus question : how much CFG for tx fees for claiming ?
Maybe friends already having CFG can be the solution, playing the role of community faucets.

I can see my rewards, but when i put the botom “Claim Rewadrs” receive that message: “Error: 1010: Invalid Transaction: Inability to pay some fees , e.g. account balance too low”.

Must i have CFG to do the claim?


Good evenin Cristobal
You can send me in DM your wallet address I will send you some CFG or you can buy CFG on exchanges.
Or you can leave your wallet address in Discord in section FAUCET.

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It happens to me exactly the same. Any solution?

Hello SupDup44
Bonus answer: fee is 0.000098851242166066 CFG