How to claim CFG after making contribution in polkawallet?

I made contribution on Centrifuge on Polkawallet (ios app), how can i receive the CFG from de rewards?

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Hi Roger. Thanks for the crowdloan contribution. The claiming of the crowdloan rewards won’t be available until the parachain has officially launched. This should happen later this month and a guide on claiming the rewards will be given soon.

Most likely it will be the same as described in the forum thread

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Hi guys, I tried claiming my CFG rewards last year and was unable to do so, I tried again to claim them today, but when I hit the “Claim Rewards” I receive a message: “Error: 1010: Invalid Transaction: Inability to pay some fees , e.g. account balance too low”. I have 0.0001 CFG in my wallet, is this insufficient to cover the fees??

hi Alt650
Please provide me your wallet address. I will send you a small portion of CFG :wink:


Done, please try to claim and let me know

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Rewards claimed, thank you so much

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I hit the “Claim Rewards” I receive a message: “Error: 1010: Invalid Transaction: Inability to pay some fees , e.g. account balance too low”. I have 0.0001 CFG in my wallet, is this insufficient to cover the fees? Help, please, this is my wallet number


Hi @Mazaltov888. Please try to claim now, I sent you enough to pay for the transaction

Good morning Mazaltov888
Replied to you in DM.

Thank you very much. Everything came in about, nice doing business with you😊

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Hi plz help me too. 4eTxBdAwgapvSihsMPr9JwAPYbWdmgtVsSGLNHzEnVitGXp1

Hello Moonman
Please try to claim now

Success. Thank you! :slight_smile:

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Hi ImdioR,
I also participated in the Centrifuge crowdloan and can’t claim rewards due to account balance too low. Appreciate your help very much! My address is 4cz1uvsDM7vpcHFmTFz1GAr3PHNtKZhAXgLVHG1Lect38svE
Thank you in advance!

Good day Width8mosaic
You can claim your rewards now!


ImdioR, I’ve claimed the rewards. Thank you very much for your prompt and effective help! Have a great day!

ImdioR, and sorry for a basic question - how can I see the amount of DOT I’ve contributed during the crowdloan? I tried to find it on the Polkadot Portal at with Centrifuge selected as the network, but with no success so far. Thank you!

Good day width8mosaic
You can check your contribution here:

  2. Insert your wallet address
  3. Click on Crowdloan/Rewards

Great! I’ve found it. Thank you once again!