How to claim CFG after making contribution in polkawallet?

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I have the same problem. I hit the “Claim Rewards” I receive a message: “Error: 1010: Invalid Transaction: Inability to pay some fees , e.g. account balance too low”. I don’t understand… My address is:

Good day SerchMoh17
Please try to claim now. I just sent to you a small amount of CFG.

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Hey just remembered that I did Centrifuge crowdload, can I still claim?, the claim button does not show up when I connect wallet to centrifuge website

There was a overhaul of the website. The claiming of the crowdloan-rewards is still possible

Please follow the steps provided in the guide :point_down:

Aloha I’m a little late but tried to claim my crowdfund rewards through polka dot but got the error message of funds too low. Is it possible to still get the CFG to cover the transaction fee?

Hi @SamJam, if you provide your wallet address, we can send a small amount to cover the fees.

Great, thank you.

Just sent some CFG to cover the fees, please try again now.

Got it. Thank you for the help.

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Hope you are doing well!
Same as SamJam, I can’t claim my rewards.
Could you help me please ?
thanks you,

Hi @Benoit. You can claim now


Hi @Tjure07
It’s Ok on my side now!
Thank you very much Christian
Have a nice day

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You are welcome. If you want to use your tokens to participate in the governance process I recommend to take a look into this great documentation where the process is described in detail.

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Merry Christmas!

I tried to claim my crowdfunding rewards through polkadot but received an error message saying the funds were too low. Is it possible to get CFG to cover the transaction costs?


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Happy Christmas @traxdaz
Please try to claim your rewards now.

Hello @ImdioR
It’s ok now!

You are welcome @traxdaz

Hello there, Im also trying to claim and getting the Error: 1010. Thanks.

Good day @miquel0550
Please try to claim your rewards now. I just submitted to you a small portion of CFG.