How to claim CFG rewards from the Centrifuge crowdloan on Polkadot

Hello AlezVJ83
Just check my prev message

this wallet address doesn`t contribute to DOT crowdloan, so this account can not claim rewards.
You should use the same account of contribution on the official page and click Claim rewards.

Hello ImdioR. I did it. It was the way I checked you sent to me 0.001 CFG for the fees.

But 0.001 CFG was all my funds… no rewards on the wallets.

I understand it is not easy to support us, so thank you for your help.

Hi, I am using below wallet to do centrifuge crowdloan.
I also successfully to use this wallet to claim reward in official website.
However, I go to switch account as you suggested, i can’t see this wallet address, instead I saw this

As I can see this wallet address successfully claimed 1022.8 CFG

Hello again ImdioR,

Understood… I think. This is my Polkadot wallet I used for the crownloan


I presume I claimed correctly, didn’t I?

So, how can I see/visualized the tokens on my wallet?

But I can only see my DOT in my wallet summary page. Am i doin correctly to switch to Centrifuge?


Good day imKT
Please check your rewards here:
0. Follow

  1. Select Polkadot
  2. Select Centrifuge
    3.Click on Switch

Or you can use direct link: Polkadot/Substrate Portal

Yes, you can use any node : Via Centrifuge or via OnFinality.

I just checked and see 109 CFG in your wallet. Correct amount?

I did it… and this is what I see… no rewads. So I presume I am doing something clearly wrong. Hahaha…

Did you generate a CFG-address BEFORE you claimed the crowdloan rewards on the page? Because a CFG-address was generated automatically at claiming

I generated before the claiming process. So what I should do? How can I know the generated adress during claming…

Aha. That’s what I thought. You need to import the CFG-account with the rewards using the same seed phrase or backup file for the Polkadot-account you contributed for the crowdloan. The reason is with the claiming a new CFG-account derived from the DOT-account was automatically created.

Here is the explanation how it worked for the Altair-crowdloan on Kusama

Yeah! Understood. I detected the problem. I did’t change my Polkadot wallet to allow use on any chain.

Now I can see them! Thank you for your support.

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I can’t see my rewards.
In the web Centrifuge Parachain Crowdloan apperars as REWARDS CLAIMED. What’s the problem?

This is my address:

On Subscan, I can see that you contributed DOT from the account that you are providing - but the rewards have not been claimed.

Can you provide a screenshot of what you are seeing? You can just cross out any information you don’t want visible. I just need to see exactly what the message says.

this is what i see

This is very weird - the amount corresponds to what I can see on Subscan but they don’t appear as claimed on there - but it does on the claiming page.

Did you attempt to claim already? If yes, did you sign the transaction (twice)?

I already made the claim once. It won’t let me try it again. When I claim, of course Imake the signature,
In the screenshot you can see “rewards claimed” with a green check.

Is there any way to claim again?

On other hand…I see that i havent CFG to pay the fee. Is this the problem?

Is there any way to claim again?