Council motion 2: Proposal for Runtime Upgrade 3 (Enabling Crowdloan)

Hello everyone,

We are finally ready to propose the runtime that will bring in the crowdloan claiming capabilities with this release

Currently the Council is voting on the proposal, you can follow the progress here

After that is done the Council will propose to fasttrack the proposal with a voting period of ~24h

We will keep updating here with the progress,

All the best,


Thank you Miquel for an update!

Update: The vote is live in democracy now: Please cast your vote here while the voting period is open.

Al the best,


Amazing! I`m going to vote!

Hello everyone,

Upgrade vote passed

Now we are waiting for the upgrade to be executed:

After this step, we will initialize the crowdloan pallets and enable claiming in the website.


The Runtime Upgrade was executed correctly and the Crowdloan Pallets have been initialized.

Claiming is available now

Happy claiming!

For those that needed some CFGs to be able to cover the transaction fees, we already sent some to all the addresses that contributed to the Crowdloan.
Please head here and input your account address to verify that you have at least 0.0001 CFG to be able to claim
We apologize for the confusion created.

All the best,


So I need help claiming as I tried on claiming site but runtime error not enough funds. Please Help.


Hi Ziggy. Please send your Centrifuge-address (starting with 4xx) to the CFG-faucet in Discord and someone will send you the funds to pay for the claiming

Good day Ziggy
Please send me your wallet address of contribution I will send you some CFG to pay the transaction fee.
You should have some CFG in your wallet for claiming.

I ended up figuring it out by sending a small amount from Kucoin to pay the fees. Thank You for the response.