Hey Centrifuge Community
The Miguel has proposed a council motion to update the Centrifuge accounts for the crowdloan. The council is currently voting on the proposal now.
The council motion updates the Merkle root to the following: 0x940533c50591b8ee5c8709878f5fcf97b3195cba39e63c5c86a43551a5f595e8
This post will be updated with the outcome of the motion.
Motion: Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network high-precision Web3 explorer
Detailed Description:
The Council has proposed this motion to update the Centrifuge accounts for the crowdloan so that the CFG can be claimed. The contribution was originally made from a multisig that is unable to claim the CFG for technical reasons. As a result, this proposal is to update the Merkle tree for the crowdloan to replace this address.