Centrifuge Governance Call #27 | 2024-05-15

:spiral_calendar: :clock1230: Wednesday 15th May 18.00 CET / 12.00 ET

Hello Centrifuge DAO!

The last month has been one of most active ones ever in terms of submitted governance proposals and there are still five active proposals in the RFC stage!

The most recent one is a POP from Anemoy to launch another pool - Anemoy DeFi Yield Fund 1 - on Centrifuge. Anemoy already launched their first pool (Anemoy Liquid Treasury Fund) back in Q4 last year.

But it is not only in our own DAO proposals are being made; we also have proposal live on Arbitrum to onboard their treasury into the Anemoy Liquid Treasury Fund.

Come join us in the discussions and hear about these proposals and bring your questions!

Remember, that if you haven’t registered for our governance calls yet, you need to do it. If you already have registered, please use the link you already have received.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Please register here :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

The agenda so far is:

:spiral_calendar: Add the call to your calendar

:eyes: See the public Governance Calendar

:person_raising_hand: Feel free to suggest topics you think should be on the agenda as a reply to this post.

Well met!


Governance Call 27: Summary

In the Centrifuge Governance call, several topics are always discussed, from onboarding RWAs to token utility of CFG.

This breakdown of what was covered by participants in the 27 call aims to make it easier for you to keep up with the sometimes fast and furious discussion that takes place.

Technical proposals:

:currency_exchange: 01:22 Youtube, Financial Reporting

Real time reporting available to pool issuers and investors

:floppy_disk: 05:08 Youtube, Data Protocol

This protocol aims to establish Centrifuge as the single source of truth for issuers, facilitating transparent and compliant operations while enabling data-driven decision-making for managers and investors.

Both of these technical proposals will be added as an amendment to the Centrifuge Protocol Roadmap, a good example of the decentralization of the protocol - the Roadmap is voted on by the community.


:swimming_man: 15:55 Youtube, (POP) Anemoy DeFi Yield Fund One

Anemoy is creating unique onchain investment opportunities tailored to investors with stable coins who want to diversify their investments and not solely rely on crypto yield and give investors new investment capabilities in form of a token.

Based on that strategy Anemoy is starting to offering with different liquidity and risk-adjusted return profiles starting with

  • High liquidity + low risk = LTF (Liquid Treasury Fund)
  • Med liquidity + medium risk = DYF (DeFi Yield Fund)

Action: Comment on the POP forum post and be ready for voting

Proposals to other DAOs

25:26 Youtube, Centrifuge - Anemoy Liquid Treasury Fund (LTF) STEP Application

Action: Any Arbitrum DAO members participate in governance

Token utility

25:26 There is an ongoing discussion within the community regarding the allocation of CFG based on the Stellaswap proposal. There are currently two Treasury proposals to distribute funds across liquidity provision, yield farming from HydraDX and incentive liquidity from Stellaswap. The governance of these proposals is crucial as it underscores the way Centrifuge approaches both maximise the benefit of distributing additional liquidity and finding the best usage for resource allocation

29:30 Youtube , Stellaswap proposal:

  • :ballot_box_with_ballot: The proposal aims to distribute funds across different strategies to maximize token value and incentivize participation. Specific details on fund allocation and expected impact on the ecosystem are included in the proposal.
  • :speech_balloon: The community has the opportunity to vote and provide feedback before a final decision is made.

Action: Steve discussed adding CFG tokens in liquidity pool on Stellaswap in a similar way as HydraDX is doing.

52:34 Youtube, Hydra Proposal:

  • :moneybag: Discussion about the 5% limit for Hydra liquidity pool withdrawals and using Centrifuge governance for withdrawals.

  • :lock: The proposal’s aim to distribute funds across various strategies showcases a holistic approach to maximize token value and incentivize ecosystem growth.

  • :globe_with_meridians: Specific details on fund allocation and expected impact demonstrate transparency and accountability within the community.

  • :sweat_drops: The discussion on adding tokens to Moonbeam’s liquidity mining incentives highlights the importance of deep liquidity for assets in heavily trafficked parachains.

  • :droplet: The discussion on the 5% withdrawal limit for the Hydra liquidity pool and the potential use of Centrifuge governance for withdrawals addresses liquidity concerns and explores alternative solutions.

Action: Submit a proposal on Github and initiate onchain voting

Treasury and Resource Allocation:

42:45 Youtube,
:dart: Milestone-based funding was proposed as more suitable for projects building on Centrifuge, projects were differentiated from proposals related to token utility, (i.e proposals from DEX’s relating to the token). We should consider implementing some kind of structured approach to funding projects based on delivery of milestones.

Action: The emerging ‘Treasury and Resource Allocation Group’ will consider this.


It was a good call. Thanks for inviting me!


Thanks for joining.

See you next time in June?

1 Like

Absatively. In the meantime, I plan to introduce my proposal for a Pool tied to our Credit product. Can I run it by you before making it official?