2023-May Centrifuge Monthly Summary

2023-May Centrifuge Monthly Summary

Welcome to our monthly summary of community news, events and governance updates from the Centrifuge Ecosystem for May!


May 2023 marks the advent of a new age: after 4 years Tinlake will be replaced by the new Centrifuge app which is a unified platform for investing in Real-World Assets! This and more exciting news can be found in this newsletter!

Key Metrics

  • Total Value Locked (6/1/23): $200M (MakerDAO: $103.5M; RWA Market: $4.2M)
  • Total Active Loans: $199.9M
  • Total Assets Originated: $382M
  • Originated in May: $25.8M
  • Assets repaid in May: $21.3M
  • Token Holders: 45,697 Wallets


The Ecosystem is focused on educating the world about Centrifuge, creating visibility and opportunity for RWAs, and sharing the narrative of how the world’s credit will be financed through DeFi.

May highlights include:


The Community is represented primarily by individuals and organizations that are actively participating in governance, contributing to processes and discourse, and are economically tied to the success of Centrifuge.

  • Team Member Introduction: Bek Turaev! Let’s welcome Bek to the Centrifuge ecosystem! He joined k/factory in March as Head of Credit and is mainly helping with the formulation of the Credit strategy to pools.:fire:

  • The Centrifuge Active Contributors Call #3 took place on May 10. As this is a call only for Active contributors in the ecosystem, I can’t talk much about the agenda and the excellent content (e.g. the team reported from their off-site experience) but if you want to join, being active will increase your chances to be invited to future calls! :tada:

  • A reminder and an update to the on-chain credit report: the Centrifuge Foundation is still looking for a researcher to write a report about on-chain credit, Real World Assets in relation to Centrifuge. Please indicate your interest in the forum post :test_tube: :memo:

  • Polkadotters dedicated a RWA-thread to Centrifuge and the bridge between TradFi and DeFi. They call Real-World Assets “a new era in Finance”. I couldn’t agree more!

And more news from the community:

@_Fortunafi: New month, new dashboard!
@wallfacerlabs: Structured Finance - Exploring tranching techniques of DeFi credit protocols
@Polkadotters1: AMA on Twitter Spaces with Anna Mehrlaender, Product Manager at Centrifuge
@Jamest0lan: Spotted in the crowd at ETHDublin

:calendar: Save the date:


:exclamation::exclamation:Please actively participate in the governance process, leave your comments and remarks in the RFCs and vote on polls​:exclamation::exclamation: :ballot_box::writing_hand:

  • The Centrifuge governance call #17 covered amongst others three ongoing proposals from the community, extensive research on delegation (see below) that will help our DAO and the launch of the Centrifuge App which is one of the biggest upgrades to the protocol so far (see Product & Engineering). No worries if you missed the call, as always it was recorded.
  • The Governance Coordination Group proposed changes to simplify the current governance process. The proposal aims to improve the aspects of the governance in terms of a better flow, a better quality of the proposals and a better structure in the forum.
  • Shout out to one of our governance facilitators ImdioR for sharing this Token Delegation Research with the Centrifuge DAO! He compares in pros and cons of delegation of existing protocols and delegation models.
  • The second set of the Collator onboarding for the Centrifuge chain has been nominated for the council to vote on. Congratulations to the following Collators! :clap:

Staker Space
The Phunky One

Protocol :cyclone:

The Protocol is represented primarily by organizations that are actively using Centrifuge’s technology to facilitate the underwriting, structuring, and financing of RWAs.

Product & Engineering

  • The moment, many in the ecosystem have been patiently waiting for, finally arrived: The new Centrifuge app is live! It is a newly designed successor of Tinlake for investing in Real World Assets. The biggest modifications in a nutshell are:

-Designed for adoption with a better user experience
-User friendly and safe
-Fast and seamless KYC within minutes
-Multi-chain approach and integrations to other chains

The launch of the Centrifuge app means a Farewell to Tinlake! All revolving pools will stay live in the new app

  • Pool updates: Cauris Finance gave an update for Q1 2023 of their Global Fintech Fund 1. Despite the difficult market situation, the pool performed strongly! As well, Flowcarbon gave some new developments from their Nature Offsets Series 1 and last, but not least, the most recent update from Kirill and New Silver. Thanks for the updates, the good news and for being a part of the ecosystem. :clap:

Stay tuned for the next monthly update with more news, updates and developments from the ecosystem!

What are your thoughts and your comments? Please share your feedback as reply to this post below or you can get in touch with the team, our ambassadors or moderators in Discord!


Thank you for your comprehensive monthly summary @Tjure07 - always great work!

And it was awesome to meet @AleG and @jamest in Dublin (but unfortunately too short).


Completely concur with Orhan! These summaries are absolutely fantastic! Thank you for putting them together for the entire Centrifuge community! :clap: :clap: :clap:


Thanks for the feedback @The_Phunky_One. Much appreciated!

Is there anything missing in your opinion which should be added to each Monthly summary? Any specific (recurrent) topic the community could be interested in?


Nothing that I can immediately think of, if I’m being honest. I enjoy them because I can’t keep up with everything as each news item pops up in Discord, Slack, or Twitter, so it’s nice to have everything all in one place and I can click on anything I missed or just skimmed previously. Great work! :raised_hands:

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Awesome! That’s the idea of the summary, to present a resumé of the month’s ongoings in a single post. :slight_smile: