Founding Documents are equivalent to a constitution; a binding agreement between members that alongside the Centrifuge Proposal Framework work as the foundations of our DAO.
Key to the Founding Documents is the Shared Mission, a fixed destination that everyone can navigate towards even while there is significant change around us, a set of principles for how we work, a Code of Conduct, and roles, rights and obligations of members.
Proposal type: CP-4
Authors: Governance and Coordination Group (@ImdioR & @Rhano)
Contributors: @Kate_Bee, @lucasvo, @akhan & @Davidutro
Technical/non-technical proposal: non-technical proposal
Date proposed: 2023-01-27
Short Summary
Proposal for the Founding Documents of the Centrifuge DAO.
High Level Objective
Achieve agreement by members of the DAO to operate and act according to the Founding Documents and build Centrifuge towards the Shared Mission detailed below.
Since the first DAO was created back in May 2016, countless DAOs have surfaced. A common problem is a lack of clear agreed-upon guidelines for which direction to go collectively and how to get there. We want to avoid making the same mistake, ensuring Centrifuge DAO can thrive.
Centrifuge DAO is still at a very early stage. We believe it is fundamental to define and agree upon
- What we want to achieve and work towards
- How we work together
- What the roles are and ways to engage for contributors
- How we interact with each other and what happens if our agreements are broken
This proposal is based on the feedback received in the discussion of the Founding Documents here and here, combined with in depth research as well as discovery interviews with DAO members.
Detailed Description
We propose that The Founding Documents consist of four parts: Shared Mission, DAO Principles, Levels of Engagement and Code of Conduct, and that DAO members adhere to them. The Documents are detailed below.
Founding Document Part One: The Shared Mission
Full description here
Founding Document Part Two: DAO Principles
Full description here
Founding Document Part Three: Levels of Engagement
Full description here
Founding Document Part Four: Code of Conduct
Full description here
Change or Improvement
This proposal improves the experience of DAO members and sets a strong foundation to coordinate well to achieve product-market fit, and the mission.
Aligment to the Mission of the Centrifuge DAO
One of the goals of this RFC is to clearly define the mission of Centrifuge.
This RFC will be open for minimum 14 days before proceeding to an OpenSquare Snapshot.
Please share your feedback in the comments below. This proposal, if passed, will lay the foundation for the future of the Centrifuge DAO so everyone’s input is appreciated.