Altair Council Motion 105: Runtime Upgrade 1034

The Altair council has just submitted a motion (Council Motion 105 ) for upgrading the Altair chain to Runtime version 1034.

After a long time of silence, we finally prepared a runtime upgrade for Altair which bumps the spec version from 1027 to 1034. Since the last upgrade occurred mid 2023, the release notes span over 4 Centrifuge releases (1020, 1023, 1024 and the upcoming 1025).The quick summary would be that we re-synchronized Altair with Centrifuge.

All features which have existed on Centrifuge, will be live on Altair as well. In order to achieve that, we are hard resetting a plurality of modules which are empty anyways. The modules are Loans, InterestAccrual, PoolSystem, Investments. Moreover, we are removing the NFT Sales and Migration Pallets.


  • Enable Liquidity Pools (exactly as on Centrifuge Chain)
  • Upgrade to XCMv3
  • Register various USDC variants
  • Switch to relative treasury inflation of annual 3% of total issuance based on this RFC
    • Does not include burning of treasury funds, needs to be appended to proposal manually

Important for node operators

Pre-image hash (batch-call for RU + burning): 0x3ef997e266ca8a402af14e1e2b7e76d95257973381003684fb4536b84236fac0

The motion is fast-tracked and if passed, it will open a referendum that will be open for 21,600 blocks (~3 days) for all AIR token holders to vote on.

Councillors, please vote on this motion at your earliest convenience.

Vote in the portal: Runtime Upgrade 1034

Vote on SubSquare: Runtime Upgrade 1034

@ash @Yarosl6 @lucasvo @Tjure07 @Ilhan @branan @mikiquantum

Thank you.


Council Motion 105 has passed in the council and has now become Referendum 26 that all AIR token holders can vote on.

The referendum will be open for 21,600 blocks (~3 days) and will be fast-tracked.

Please vote on the referendum.

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: Polkadot/Substrate Portal

:ballot_box: Vote on SubSquare: SubSquare | governance platform

Referendum 26 has passed.

Once enacted, this proposal will:

  • Upgrade Altair to runtime version 1034

The following have already been executed:

Thank you for voting everyone!

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Runtime Upgrade 1034 on Altair was successfully enacted at block #5011629.