Upcoming Altair (1024) and Centrifuge (1016) Runtime Upgrade

Hello Community! :raised_hand:
We are ready to propose a runtime upgrade with the following content:

Altair (1024)

[Substrate] Update parity dependencies - #1115
[Substrate] Weights v2
[Substrate] Democracy Referendum & Agenda Migrations
[Substrate] Migration that clears old preimages storage & releases locked bonds for each preimage
Anyone that had a preimage stored they would have to resubmit that preimage. The original bonded amount is returned to the user.

Centrifuge (1016)

[Substrate] Update parity dependencies - #1115
[Substrate] Weights v2
[Substrate] Democracy Referendum & Agenda Migrations
[Substrate] Migration that clears old preimages storage & releases locked bonds for each preimage
Anyone that had a preimage stored they would have to resubmit that preimage. The original bonded amount is returned to the user.

Release Notes: Release Centrifuge 1016 & Altair 1024 Release · centrifuge/centrifuge-chain · GitHub

Full Changelog: Comparing release-v0.10.21...release-v0.10.24 · centrifuge/centrifuge-chain · GitHub


The Councils will propose the Runtime Upgrades on Centrifuge and Altair.

As soon as the Council motion has been initiated for each upgrade, we will keep you posted on the governance process here on the Forum.

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