Council Motion 36: Initiate Runtime Upgrade 1020

Hello everyone,

Following on this: Upcoming Runtime Upgrades on Centrifuge and Altair (1012 & 1020)

We just initiated the motion for the next runtime upgrade 1020 in Altair. Please cast your vote at your earliest convenience.

All the best,

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Council motion 36 has passed.

The vote for referendum 12 is now open for 17 300 blocks (~3 days and 5 hours with an average block time of 16 seconds) so you can use your AIR tokens to vote on it.

:ballot_box: Vote on Subsquare: Initiate Runtime Upgrade 1020

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: Initiate Runtime Upgrade 1020

See the referendum on Subscan here.

Runtime Upgrade completed, with validation function applied at block 1583478