More upcoming Runtime Upgrades on Centrifuge and Altair

In the coming days, we will propose two Runtime Upgrades - one on Centrifuge, and one on Altair.

Currently, we are testing the new Altair and Centrifuge versions, containing the asset registry, on Rococo (the Parachain Testnet). The most urgent use case for this release is to support Wormhole USDC from Acala to Centrifuge, which will be used as the currency for the initial pools on Centrifuge.

Altair has already been upgraded and we are testing the Wormhole USDC XCM transfers to verify that the integration is working as expected.

The concrete plan for the testing is as follows:

ALTAIR (Runtime Upgrade 1017 on Rococo)
:white_check_mark: Run Runtime Upgrade
:white_check_mark: Verify that the chain still produces blocks
:white_check_mark: Register Wormhole USDC in the asset registry
:hourglass: Verify that Wormhole USDC transfers from/to Karura work in Altair

CENTRIFUGE (Runtime Upgrade 1008 on Rococo)
:white_check_mark: Enact Runtime Upgrade
:white_check_mark: Verify that chain still produces blocks
:hourglass: Open HRMP channels with Karura
:hourglass: Register Wormhole USDC in the asset registry
:hourglass: Verify that Wormhole USDC transfers from/to Karura work on Centrifuge
:hourglass: Deploy the new Altair and Centrifuge to production
:hourglass: Cut releases for both runtimes
:hourglass: Work with ambassadors on the community posts
:hourglass: Follow the Runtime Upgrade process for both
:hourglass: Open HRMP channels Centrifuge <> Acala on Polkadot

NOTE: this will require Centrifuge’s account on the Polkadot Relay Chain to have enough DOT to cover the fees associated with the XCM execution + the deposit of opening these channels.

Hopefully early next week, we can start the process of upgrading both chains - we will announce it here on the Forum, once the Councils have initiated the motion(s) to start the democracy process.

If you have any questions, feel free to ask them :point_down:


To simplify the whole governance process for the average user and to give an outlook on upcoming changes, this overview is highly needed.

It further shows, how active and well functioning the governance for the ecosystem is!

Thanks for that!


Amazing summary
Thank you for keeping us updated with every step.


Hey :wave:

Leaving an update on the plan above. We found an issue when testing in Rococo so the spec versions have been bumped for both Altair and Centrifuge.


ALTAIR (Runtime Upgrade 1018 on Rococo)
:white_check_mark: Run Runtime Upgrade
:white_check_mark: Verify that the chain still produces blocks
:white_check_mark: Register Wormhole USDC in the asset registry
:white_check_mark: Verify that Wormhole USDC transfers from/to Karura work in Altair

CENTRIFUGE (Runtime Upgrade 1009 on Rococo)
:white_check_mark: Enact Runtime Upgrade
:white_check_mark: Verify that chain still produces blocks
:hourglass: Open HRMP channels with Karura

  • Waiting on Acala to accept our request to open the channels Centrifuge → Karura on Rococo.

:white_check_mark: Register Wormhole USDC in the asset registry
:hourglass: Verify that Wormhole USDC transfers from/to Karura work on Centrifuge

Production Releases
:hourglass: Cut releases for both runtimes

  • About to be cut a draft release, just waiting on the CI build outputs
    :hourglass: Work with ambassadors on the community posts
    :hourglass: Follow the Runtime Upgrade process for both
    :hourglass: Motion to open HRMP channels Centrifuge <> Acala on Polkadot

Additionally, we will also need:

  • Get DOT to Centrifuge’s account on Polkadot
    • This will be required in order to open channels on Polkadot
  • Motion to polkadotXcm.forceXcmVersion to 2 for Acala and for the Polkadot relay chain
    Needed since we continue facing issues where our parachains don’t seem able to figure out other location’s xcm version
  • Motion to PolkadotXcm.send the XCM message to open channels with Acala
  • Motion to register assets in the asset-registry
    • We can batch these as we want to register Wormhole USDC, as well as all the other native assets

Will leave another update as soon as possible :+1:


19 Jul 2022 - Morning Update

The tests have been concluded on Rococo between Centrifuge and Acala (Karura on Rococo), USDC has been transferred back and forth successfully between the parachains.

CENTRIFUGE (Runtime Upgrade 1009 on Rococo)
:white_check_mark: Enact Runtime Upgrade
:white_check_mark: Verify that chain still produces blocks
:white_check_mark: Register Wormhole USDC in the asset registry
:white_check_mark: Open HRMP channels with Karura
:white_check_mark: Verify that Wormhole USDC transfers from/to Karura work on Centrifuge

Production Releases
:white_check_mark: Releases for both runtimes
:hourglass: Work with ambassadors on the community posts asking for community involvement

  • To vote aye for the motions to execute these runtime upgrades and necessary actions to open the HRMP Channels, etc

:hourglass: Follow the Runtime Upgrade process for both
:hourglass: Motion to open HRMP channels Centrifuge <> Acala on Polkadot


20 Jul 2022 - Morning update

  • We don’t need to fast-track neither of the runtime upgrades. We should get both runtime upgrades up as normal democracy requests, with the full two-week period.

Once the runtime upgrades are enacted, we will submit the following motions:


  • Motion that will batch:
    • polkadotXcm.forceXcmVersion for Polkadot (relay) and Acala
      As mentioned before, this is needed to mitigate an issue we have been facing where our runtime/nodes seems unable to find out which XCM version other XCM locations are operating on.
    • Register all relevant assets in the asset-registry:
      • Wormwhole USDC is the most urgent
      • Also: CFG, AUSD and DOT
  • Motion to open channels with Acala
    This will be a polkadotXcm.send call to the relay (Polkadot) to transact AcceptOpenChannel and InitOpenChannel with Acala (assuming Acala will send a InitOpenChannel our way beforehand)


  • Batch motion to register all relevant assets in the asset-registry: AIR, KSM, AUSD

Centrifuge 1009 & Altair 1018 Release

Centrifuge 1009 - Release notes

  • Support XCM [#848]
  • Add OrmlAssetRegistry [#848]
  • Add OrmlTokens and RestrictedTokens pallets [#848]
  • Merge CurrencyId::KUSD to CurrencyId::AUSD [#848] [Issue]

Altair 1018 - Release notes

  • Add OrmlAssetRegistry #840
  • Leverage XCM config with OrmlAssetRegistry #840

More information could be found here: Release Centrifuge 1009 & Altair 1018 Release · centrifuge/centrifuge-chain · GitHub


Altair Democracy proposal - Democracy Proposal: 2022-07-25 Runtime Upgrade 1018

Centrifuge Democracy Proposal - Democracy Proposal: 2022-07-21 Runtime Upgrade 1009

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Referendum 6 is now open!

:arrow_forward: Vote with your CFG tokens here: Polkadot/Substrate Portal