Poll: RWA Market rewards proposal Q3

:running_man: :dash:
Given there is a deadline to meet with the minting of the 100,000 CFG as rewards (1111 CFG / day for 90 days) for the RWA Market (you can read the whole proposal here) and deposit them into the Aave Rewards Distributor Contract latest the 4th July, it is necessary to speed up the governance process.

:seven: :arrow_right: :three:
This means that we exceptionally need to lower the voting period of the poll from 7 days to 3 days (polls usually have to run for 7 days to give the community enough time to vote on them).

The process will be like this:

  1. Start the poll today (29th June) and let it run for 3 days exceptionally
  2. Initiate the Council motion straight after the poll and fast track it
  3. Set the voting window to 3600 blocks (~12 hours with an average block time of 12 seconds) in the public referendum

Please vote in the poll below :point_down:

Mint an additional 100,000 CFG for the next 90 days, starting 4th July 2022, and deposit these into the Aave Rewards Distributor Contract?
  • Yes
  • No

0 voters

This poll will be open until the 2nd July.

:new: :clipboard:
Once the Council motion has been proposed, a new post will be created here on the Forum.

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Good day
Voted Aye.
Iā€™m ready and iā€™m waiting for the Council motion =)


The poll has ended and 93% of the voters were in favor of minting the rewards.

I will suggest to the Centrifuge council to create a motion to continue the process.

Thank you everyone for voting!

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