Council Motion 28: 2022-09-12 Renewal RWA Market rewards proposal

Hello everyone,

Following on this: RFC: Renewal RWA Market rewards proposal (12-09-2022) and in accordance with Update regarding Snapshot voting.

We just initiated the Council Motion: Updating Tinlake Rewards Allocation. This motion, if passed, will open up a referendum that will stay open for voting for 7 days (50,400 blocks @ 12s/block).

Councillors, please cast your vote at your earliest convenience.

The text to the proposal can be found here:

# 2022-09-12 Renewal RWA Market rewards proposal
By casting your vote on chain, you indicate your approval of renewal RWA Market rewards as follows:
1. Mint 100,000 CFG into the RWA Market rewards account 4eFfMrhrGSx8GP5WVm5qDzaSL5qvsWUjvcJAnYxP7RZYJLs2 (set balance to 200,000 CFG)

## References
1. [Poll](
2. [RFC](

All the best.

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Council Motion 28 has passed.

Referendum 14 is now open for all CFG token holders to vote on. You can vote on the referendum either on Subsquare or in the portal.

:ballot_box: Vote on Subsquare: Updating Tinlake Rewards Allocation

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: Polkadot/Substrate Portal

The vote is open for 50,400 blocks (~7 days with an average block time of 12 seconds).

Referendum 14 passed with SimpleMajority at block 1398703.

Thank you for voting everyone.