I have just proposed Motion 58 for vote by the council which mints 833’333 CFG into the Aave rewards account. The proposal text is the following:
# 2022-03-30 Renewal Aave RWA Market Rewards
By casting your vote on chain, you indicate your approval of changing the Tinlake Rewards on Centrifuge as follows:
1. Mint 833,333 CFG into the RWA Market rewards account 4eFfMrhrGSx8GP5WVm5qDzaSL5qvsWUjvcJAnYxP7RZYJLs2
These values will be valid until governance proceeds with another vote.
## References
1. [Poll](https://gov.centrifuge.io/t/rfc-renewal-of-rwa-market-rewards/3569)
You can review the motion on subscan: Subscan | Aggregate Substrate ecological network High-precision Web3 explorer. Councillors, please vote.