CP80: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

Good day, Community!
This is an emergency
Uses component: CP3.1
Author(s): @mustermeiszer @WilliamFreude
Proposal on Proposal Repository (Github): CP80
Date proposed: 2024-12-21

About this proposal

This proposal will register Frax token in the register and will allow trading between Frax > USDC and USDC > Frax.

List of content:

  • register the FRAX token in the registry
  • add trading pairs for FRAX <> USDC

Detailed description of each content:

  • Registering the Frax:


  • Allow trading Frax > USDC :


  • Allow trading USDC > Frax :


Pre-image: 0xe39871b21dc08b74bffac18610e63fa1176d1bde1d4786cdf1a9b7ee38f28bad

Governance process for this proposal

  1. Council Motion + fast-track
  2. Referendum vote open for 21,600 blocks (~ 3 days)
  3. If the referendum passes: the enactment will be immediately after
Click here to see


A Council Motion 79 has been just submitted:

Councillors, please vote on this motion:

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

:ballot_box: Vote on SubSquare Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

@branan @thespaceacatjr @cassidy @lucasvo @vedhavyas @mikiquantum @Yarosl6 @prankstr25

Thank you

21 hrs left to the end of CM79: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

Centrifuge Councillors , please vote on this motion!

@cassidy, @lucasvo, @branan, @mikiquantum, @vedhavyas

1 Like

Council Motion 79 was closed and now become a Referendum 45:

Referendum vote will be open for 21,600 blocks (~ 3 days)

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: CP81: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC
:ballot_box: Vote on SubSquare: CP81: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

Please vote on the referendum.
Thank you!

Update: 29.12.2023
Referendum 45 has failed to pass.

Good day everyone!
Unfortunately the Council Motion 79 was submitted with wrong hash from previos CP78:Runtime Upgrade 1024 that was already voted on:

Incorrect - 0xe1891b62b9355ba27577c1799e1ca638f13f8bf0ab5de530be21a5affeacceda
Correct - 0xe39871b21dc08b74bffac18610e63fa1176d1bde1d4786cdf1a9b7ee38f28bad

  • Please vote Nay on this Referendum.

The Council Motion will be resubmitted with the correct parameters soon.
Thank you.

1 Like

Good evening!
A new Council Motion 80 ( resubmission) was just submitted with the correct parameters!

Hash: 0xd06bddffea46ec01e46dd81307d920f923731b9c4b298685ce4cea557e314ae3
Pre-image: 0xe39871b21dc08b74bffac18610e63fa1176d1bde1d4786cdf1a9b7ee38f28bad

The Council Motion 80 is now live. Councillors, please vote on this motion:

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

:ballot_box: Vote on SubSquare Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

@branan @thespaceacatjr @cassidy @lucasvo @vedhavyas @mikiquantum @Yarosl6 @prankstr25
Thank you

GM Centrifuge Token Holders!
Council Motion 80 was closed and now become a Referendum 46:

Referendum vote will be open for 21,600 blocks (~ 3 days)

:ballot_box: Vote in the portal: CP81: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC
:ballot_box: Vote on SubSquare: CP81: Registering Frax token and allowing trading Frax <> USDC

Please vote on the referendum.
Thank you!

Good day, Community!

Referendum 46 has successfully passed.

Thanks, everyone for participating.

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