Council Introduction: Timkot

Hey everyone! I am Timofey from Russia, currently a Student studying in a IB school, I think that I am the youngest person who wants to become a candidate in the Altair council. As you know the younger the person is the more interesting and progressive ideas he brings into the project :wink: I am working as an ambassador for projects like Covalent, Moonbeam and Qredo. I am a CM of Talent protocol. If there would be also a space in Altair team to be a CM I would gladly join the team. I also like running nodes and validators in different blockchains like Solana, NYM, Hopr and Aleo. Soon I would also start running a validator in Centrifuge and altair, If there will be enough support from community.
It would be a great experience to work with international and Russian community and implement all new ideas which I could contribute while being a council member.

Why I want to become a council member?

  1. I consider myself as a key member, who is going to be in charge of all communications and going to massively improve it.
  2. I will try to provide the most security as possible to the network by becoming a validator in Altair network
  3. Becoming a council member of Altair for me is an important goal in life of this Project and it is interesting for me to try out something new

At the end I would like to say that I am one of the old members of Centrifuge, even before the tinlake pools have launched (Like an OG in here xD) and I think that I understand the best how ecosystem of Centrifuge and Altair Works.

Would be amazing to be chosen by You :slight_smile:


Privet Timofey!

The race, gender, age or nationality doesn’t matter. What counts is the motivation to become a council member and the interest and will to shape the future of Altair.

Good luck for the elections. :slight_smile:


Hey everyone! My candidacy is submitted now!
adress kAMKHMa6Zv2r2qPzjJpHRNGYQ4bXLoyM79guq1rTFeMbk2SAP
Name - Timkot
Will be waiting for your votes =)