Centrifuge Governance Call #25 | 2024-02-21

:spiral_calendar: :clock1230: Wednesday 21st February 18.00 CET / 12.00 ET

Hello Centrifuge DAO!

This month’s governance call has some very interesting topics on the agenda. The Protocol Engineering Group (PEG) has posted their first roadmap proposal to suggest the technical direction of the Centrifuge protocol. Another proposal that also is the first of its kind is one to recover tokens in an inaccessible wallet so tune in and join the discussions!

Centrifuge has partnered with quite a few protocols recently; come and hear the presentation from one of the recent ones and what this means for Centrifuge.

Remember, that if you haven’t registered for our governance calls yet, you need to do it. If you already have registered, please use the link you received last time.

:point_right: :point_right: :point_right: Please register here :point_left: :point_left: :point_left:

The agenda so far is:

:spiral_calendar: Add the call to your calendar

:eyes: See the public Governance Calendar

:person_raising_hand: Feel free to suggest topics you think should be on the agenda as a reply to this post.

Well met!


thank for your very good job

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