Ledger Support is Back for CFG

:partying_face: We’re very happy to announce some exciting news! :partying_face:

With a new Polkadot Generic App 54,220 Centrifuge token holders can now use Ledger wallet and store tokens safety. Hooray!!!

This means you can easily and safely hold, receive, and send CFG using your Ledger wallet.

A Ledger device is a hardware wallet made specifically for managing crypto assets, making it one of the most secure ways to manage your crypto assets.

This post is a tutorial on how to use your Ledger device to manage your Centrifuge (CFG) tokens on the Centrifuge Portal.

Read more about other ways to create your account on Centrifuge here.

What You’ll Need


Install the Polkadot App

  1. Open the Manager in Ledger Live
  2. Connect and unlock your Ledger device
  3. If asked, allow the manager on your device
  4. Find Polkadot (DOT) in the app catalogue
  5. Click the Install button of the app
  6. An installation window appears
  7. Your device will display “Processing”
  8. The app installation is confirmed.

Use a Ledger device with Wallets

All wallets such as Nova Wallet, Talisman, Subwallet, PolkadotJS Extension already support the migration, and you can follow the steps provided by them to do so.

Use Ledger device using Polkadot Portal

How to use your Ledger Device with https://polkadot.js.org/apps/

  1. Connect and unlock your Ledger device.
  2. Open Polkadot/Substrate Portal.
  3. Navigate to Settings, and verify that “Attach Ledger via WebUSB” is selected under Manage Hardware Connections.
  4. Select Use the Ledger Polkadot Generic App in the manage ledger app
  5. Click on Save

Add a new Ledger account to the Polkadot Centrifuge Portal

  1. Open the Polkadot app on your Ledger device.
  2. Navigate to Accounts on the portal, then select “From Ledger”
  3. Type in an account name, as well as an account type and index (optional). Then click Save.
  4. The Ledger account will be automatically created/connected/restored.



Q: I found two applications in Ledger Live: Polkadot and Polkadot Migration. Which one should I use?
A: Please install the Polkadot app for your new account and please use Polkadot Migration only for recovering your already existing account on Ledger.

Polkadot Migration App

This app is designed to help you migrate from your existing account to a new account that uses the new app. This is necessary as every account will be using Polkadot’s derivation path. This needs to be done for all accounts that don’t use Polkadot Relay Chain’s derivation path (i.e.: all Parachain ledger accounts, Kusama ledger accounts).

Polkad Ledger App

Once you are done with the migration or if you are setting up an account for the first time, ensure you download the latest Polkadot App, which will already be compatible with all the supported parachains.

The Ledger team has put together an FAQ to help with questions from users.

Q: Disconnected Device During Operation: Failed to execute ‘transferOut’ on ‘USBDevice’: The device was disconnected.
A: Please select the Polkadot application and proceed to launch it

Q: Error 65535: Unknown transport error
A: Please launch the Polkadot application on your Ledger device

Q: Error Unknown Status Code: 28161
A: Please launch Polkadot application on your Ledger device

Q: Failed to execute ‘request device’ on ‘USB’: No device selected.
A: It is necessary to connect, launch the Polkadot App on Ledger device and approve pending review on your Ledger.

Q: No Compatible Device Found
A: It is necessary to connect, launch the Polkadot App on Ledger device and approve pending review on your Ledger.

Q: I can not find Polkadot App in Ledger Live, what should I do?
A: Update the Ledger Live software as a potential solution to the issue you have encountered. In the event that this does not resolve the matter please contact Ledger Support…

Q: I found two applications in Ledger Live: Polkadot and Polkadot Migration. Which one should I use?
A: Please install Polkadot app for the new account and please use Polkadot Migration only for recovering your already existing account on Ledger.

Ledger Tutorial: Migrate Assets to Polkadot Generic Accounts Using the Polkadot Migration App

DISCLAIMER: Use of this guide is at your own risk. To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the services are provided without warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, including, but not limited to, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title, quiet enjoyment, accuracy, or non-infringement. Further, to the fullest extent allowed by applicable law, in no event shall the company or its affiliates, be liable to you or any third party for any damages of any kind.


That’s great, but the DAO already took my tokens, as I was not able to claim them, because the Ledger support was broken. Web3 is great💪/s

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Good day @valentin_mihov
Thank you for commenting.
For claiming CFG token for Polkadot Crowdloan Ledger support was not necessary, because the support of CFG token on Ledger happened after the Polkadot crowdloan.

However. Just small remarks:

  1. Ledger support of CFG Token and Polkadot Crowdloan are two separate things and they are not connected with each other.
  2. Participation and contribution from Ledger have been forbidden in Polkadot Crowdloan since the beginning.
  3. As well there were more than +2 years for claiming your rewards and 90 days of announcement about the discontinuing of claiming.
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Good day Ser,

What do we have to do if our CFG toekns are already stored on our ledger on the previous CFG app? Do we use the ledger migration app? or just use the polkadot generic app? Loook forward to hearing from you!! #UPTHEFUGE#

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Hi @psilinvestments
Yes, correct. You need to install the Polkadot Migration app.
If you will use Talisman\Nova wallet in this case you can just click on start search for old accounts.

If you will use polkadot.js.org web portal and polkadot.js.org extension in this case you need to change settings from Use the Ledger Polkadot App to Use the Ledger Migration app.

I personally tested both ways and everything worked well on my end.


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Ledger Tutorial added: Migrate Assets to Polkadot Generic Accounts Using the Polkadot Migration App

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This is a relief to every token holder whose CFG were locked in limbo on their Ledger! Now everyone can access their tokens again and use them for participating in the governance process.

Shout out to Zondax for developing this app! :partying_face: