How to claim CFG after making contribution in polkawallet?

You can try to claim your rewards now.

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Hello, I am also trying to claim and getting the Error: 1010. Thanks.

May I have a little as well, please?



Good morning @Graydirt and @frog

Both of you should be able to claim your crowdloan-rewards now. Please let me know if it worked

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Sir, help me. I want to withdraw my cfg token from parachain?

Did you verify if your account has some funds to pay for the claiming transaction?

If not, please send me your address and I will check

You can claim your rewards here: Centrifuge Parachain Crowdloan | Centrifuge

Please note that your tokens are fully vested since Summary 2023. If you want to unlock them please:

  1. Polkadot/Substrate Portal
  2. Click on 3 dots near your account
  3. Click on Unlock Vested amount
  4. Sign the transaction.


Hi there - I just tried claiming the my rewards and ran into the same problem. My address is 5ECfQjjDyKHi3uYGX3dpwP8ZdKJnb1Aq9YU4L3HUukL7GMin - thanks a tonne <3

I transferred a small amount to you - please try again now.

Thanks a lot! Just claimed the rewards :slight_smile:

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thanks, it did work. Thanks so much

hello. my name is Antonio from Italy and I have the same problem to claim after such long time my rewards. reason of the delay is about personal helth problems. could you help me too as you did with that other person (Sam I think was his name)? thank you in advance for your kind help

i dont know which address is required so i leave you here both

my CFG address

Please try to claim now.

thank you very much for your help .very kind !!!

Di nulla Antonio =)
Feel free to ask us if you need help or have any questions.

Hey there,

I tried to claim but could not do it . Can you send me little to claim it? Thank you so much in advance

CFG address is 4f7dkwTB1sB8LTF4nCjceMtAjgawCbKfzuiYMnpWgP7GkmCP

You can proceed with claiming your rewards now

Important notice: There is now a 60 day window for crowdloan participants to claim their CFG rewards before they will be disabled. That means that the deadline for claiming is April 5, 2024

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Same as many 1010 error, pls send some CFG so i can claim


Many thanks

Just sent to you, please try to claim again now.


I am in the same boat - 0.0001 CFG in wallet. Can’t cover fees to withdraw my rewards. Can you assist?
Address is: 4f1EAE3YfMXaTmBceHgkkRZWFo8SxmNQxQkR54Svi6LPTDcK

Thank you!