Governance Update - Runtime Upgrade 4.5

Dear Altair Community,

The Council is proposing a runtime upgrade that will bring the latest polkadot version v0.9.17 in addition to some base pallets needed for the NFT marketplace. Since v0.9.17 brings up a variety of fixes Council will propose to fastrack the referendum to around 1 day (at current block times).

Here is the release: Release v0.10.9 Altair Release 4.5 · centrifuge/centrifuge-chain · GitHub

You can see the motion while is still open here and in subscan

All the best,


The External Proposal has passed, now time for the fastrack to 901 blocks


Council has finished the proposal process, please vote on the referenda now open for a few hours,


Referenda passed: Subscan | Substrate based blockchain explorer and enact has been triggered: Polkadot/Substrate Portal

It will be effective in 1h

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Runtime Upgrade Completed at block 843938

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