Governance Update February 2023

The Governance & Coordination Group will provide a monthly update about all ended and on-going proposals - on both Centrifuge and Altair - so the DAO can stay updated with governance events.


Ended proposals (19th January - 16th February)

Proposal Status Ended
Runtime Upgrade 1016 passed 25/01/2023
Fix XCM Asset Registration passed 06/02/2023
Emergency Runtime Upgrade 1 passed 09/02/2023
Centrifuge Protocol Fees passed 15/02/2023

1 There will be a post-mortem describing the bug that was patched.

On-going proposals

* These three proposals have been batched so there are three separate OpenSquare Snapshots created simultaneously to start the 16th February 9.00 CET for CFG token holders to vote on.


Ended proposals (19th January - 16th February)

Proposal Status Ended
Initiate Runtime Upgrade 1024 passed 19/01/2023
Collator Reward December 2022 passed 31/01/2023
Emergency Runtime Upgrade 1 passed 09/02/2023

1 There will be a post-mortem describing the bug that was patched.

On-going proposals

Proposal Status Ending
Adjustment of Altair collator rewards discussion N/A
Referendum 19 2 voting 23/02/2023

2 There was no context provided to this proposal, nor did it follow our governance process. The proposal will mint 8,000,000 AIR to this wallet if the referendum passes. The GCG recommends to vote Nay to this proposal.

We are aiming to make our governance as transparent and easy to understand as possible - so if you have any feedback on the content/structure of these governance announcement posts, please leave them in the comments below.