Authors: Governance & Coordination Group (@ImdioR and @Rhano)
Date proposed: 2024-08-15
Short Summary
Requesting 6,200,000 AIR from the Altair treasury for testing OpenGov on Altair using Gov1 pallets (i.e. submitted as a council motion).
High Level Objective
To battle test all our tracks on Altair to ensure that they work as intended before starting the migration on Centrifuge. Once the tracks have been thoroughly tested, the funds will be returned to the treasury - they will not be sold/swapped at any point.
With the passing and enactment of Runtime Upgrade 1200 on Altair, we migrated to OpenGov while keeping the Gov1 pallets (i.e. the council) for a transition period of 3 months.
Description of Activity
If this treasury proposal passes, we request the funds to be sent to the GCG multisig where we are two signers.
GCG multi-sig wallet 1: kAJGxpNZAkV98WcPQ5p5foeN4brV7MaSHTbnZ6mc5XQK3ndDg
Signer 1 (@ImdioR): kANb1XCjPSCnqdABJtQj12iVUS6sTAwY4PcQX3X32ZLhPT9aB
Signer 2 (@Rhano): kANbaVyXTPPKZgwkD1mQ34A6KDpubc7XGxBZUQ1vVUj9AYVHM
1 this multi-sig wallet has previously been used for distribution of unclaimable AIR rewards from the crowdloan and for the Altair collator rewards for April 2023
Once the funds are received in the multi-sig, they will be distributed evenly between these two wallets with identities (note that these are different from the signers of the multi-sig) and will remain there for the duration of the testing and returned to the treasury from there once testing is done.
Wallet 1 (@ImdioR): kAHY3a7qTLofVYna4UCGErbjAsM459panPX1VXU1YjzAco4E3
Wallet 2 (@Rhano): kAJt3RG62L9of8VnuojWaLnDnx26AfBABJHDHhvei643b7ppc
What will the funds be used for?
The funds are only going to be used for:
- paying the Decision Deposits for the different tracks 2
- voting in all referenda 3
2 We are going to test the Referendum Killer track as well and this will slash the Decision Deposit of the referendum it kills. However, the slashed amount will go to the treasury anyway, so in the end, all funds are going back to the treasury again.
3 In Treasury proposals, we are only going to vote Abstain in order to reach Support - we will not use the tokens for voting Aye/Nay.
Why 6,200,000 AIR?
We want to ensure that one of us always is able to pay for the Decision Deposit for the Root track (currently 3,000,000 AIR) that is used for important Runtime Upgrades. By splitting the funds evenly between two wallets, we are also able to better test the Decision and Confirmation periods (by using different amounts and convictions in the voting).
Governance process for this proposal
- Submit a treasury proposal onchain via polkadot.js for 6,200,000 AIR (will be submitted the 20th August)
- Send the proposal to the Altair council to vote on (6 Aye votes required)
- If passed in the council, the funds will be paid out in the following spending period