Databased Finance DF1- Pool update 09-23

Hello Centrifuge Community!! September Update Follows:

We are pleased to say that the majority of financing has now been returned (with yield) to the funders of the Databased Finance 1 (DF1) pool. This shows that the rolling pool of financing to Amazon Sellers can be spooled up, deployed, provide yield, and can be paid down on the demand of its funders; i.e. The entire life cycle of our financing has now been stress tested and has performed in line with our expectations and the expectations of our funders. Thank you to everyone for your support!

Two outstanding NFTs remain, which will continue to generate yield into 2024. These were minted before we knew Centrifuge would be moving away from Tinlake.

We still look forward to launching the DF2 pool with Centrifuge utilizing USDC, but meanwhile, we have set up a separate Ethereum-based NFT that will cover the next 20 Million of funding and is redeemable after 170 days and run under US Reg D. If you would like details, then you will need password access to the data room: at Password “Inventory”


The Databased Finance Team

(This post has been updated at Centrifuge’s request)