Creating a video for Centrifuge with DeFi Teller

The purpose of this proposal is to obtain partial or full funding for the creation of an educational video about Centrifuge/Altair.

Proposal summary

Although Centrifuge is one of the fastest growing and interesting projects in DeFi, we were unable to find high-quality video content about the network. The existing videos only mention Centrifuge along with other projects and repeat common descriptions of the platform, but none of them reveals the meaning of the technologies used in Centrifuge.

We will be happy to fill this gap. Since Centrifuge is quite complex in its design, and its core concepts are not easy to grasp for newcomers to the field, we propose to make a detailed video explainer about the technological aspects of the network, its key ecosystem components describing in simple words how does Centrifuges consensus mechanism work, what makes it highly scalable, what are the roles of Collators and Nominators, how the network bridges real-world assets into DeFi, what is Tinlake, what is the utility of CFG token and much more.

DeFi Teller has already released a video about Polkadot, and we would like to continue this topic by making a video explainer about Centrifuge. Thus, the topic of Centrifuge would get a practical direction and show a specific example of how parachains operate on a practical level.

Who we are:

DeFi Teller is an educational resource that does the due diligence for the user by providing information about blockchain technology and decentralized applications (reviews, video explainers, on-chain data) in the most accessible way.

​​​​​​​The project officially launched in May this year, and currently, 15 people are working on it (developers, designers, illustrators, editors, writers, and marketing specialists). During the short time of its existence, the project has managed to attract the attention of those we talk about. For example, the video we created about Polkadot was added to the Polkadot and Kusama documentation, and the video that we made to explain the Avalanche consensus was highly appreciated by the community.

We want to create a resource that would motivate users to study the technical component behind DeFi projects and shift the paradigm from “What coin to buy (and what buttons to press to do it)” to a deeper understanding of the technology behind the most popular projects and blockchain in general.

What we are good at:

Writing scripts targeted at an audience with an average level of knowledge in blockchain. We target people who have basic understanding of how blockchain works, as well as cursory understanding of the crypto market and its key players. Our viewer has probably already used dApps on the simple purchasing/trading/borrowing/staking level. Our task is to immerse this user deeper and explain in simple words what technology stands behind a particular project. In doing so, we take the presentation format very seriously and try to dig deep, figuring out what is under the hood of technologies and projects and what exactly makes them special. For example, this is how we explained the difference between optimistic and zk-rollups.

Creating distinctive visuals. The DeFi Teller team only uses original illustrations and takes a thoughtful approach to the process of video storyboarding. Our team of illustrators and animators works tightly with the editorial team, and the team of the project we’re reviewing. We welcome any kind of feedback or criticism from the team we are working with.


The existing DeFi Teller videos were created with our own funds and were highly praised by the teams of the projects we were talking about.

Moving further, we see our development in line with the spirit of decentralization - we would like to continue to talk about the most interesting DeFi projects and do so with nice graphics and quality scripts. We’re not looking for profits coming directly from the team, nor are we looking to create entirely commercial videos, reserving the right to choose the topics and angle of their coverage. All we need is to cover the cost of the video and support us in distributing the content (retweets, adding to the documentation, and so forth).

The video creation process is as follows:

-Writing script;

-Creating storyboard;

-Recording voice-over;

-Animating the video;

-Publishing the video on DeFi Teller resources


The timeline of the video depends on its budget. Without expanding the design team, and given that edits and comments from the team will be provided promptly, we can produce one video in about 3-4 weeks.

We will need:

1 week to create and edit the script (two editors involved, 4 hours a day each);

1 week for designing the storyboard (three design team members involved, 3-4 hours a day each);

1-2 weeks for the animation (two design team members involved, 5 hours a day each).

This is a preliminary estimate, the final estimate depends heavily on the script.

How will it bring value to Centrifuge network:

-Illustrate the architecture of thenetwork;

-Illustrate use cases of the project;

-Attract new audience (the video will be published on all DeFi Teller resources, giving Centrifuge exposure to new audience);

-A branding tool that will show the existence of high-quality content about the project.

Input expected from the Centrifuge team:

The team/community reviews the script and gives notes;

The team/community reviews the storyboard and gives notes;

The team/community reviews the final draft of the video and gives notes;

Help in promoting the video (e.g. on social media or in the project documentation).

Cover the cost of video production.


Our team will be able to give you an accurate estimate of the budget only after the script is approved, since most of the cost of the video falls on the work of the illustrators and animators. A rough estimate is that on average one minute of video costs us $1,000.

The approximate cost of the final amount in percentage ratio looks like this:


Writer - 5%

Editor - 7%


Illustrator - 25%

Designer - 16%

Supervisor - 7%


Designer - 30%

Supervisor - 10%

Hi Camille.

I like the idea, of educating the community about the Centrifuge ecosystem and I support this proposal in general.

Do you have the intention, to make videos on Centrifuge and Altair because both projects belong to the same ecosystem but are built on different chains and might target a difference audience?

How many followers does DeFi Teller have thus how big is your “market share”?


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Hi @Camille_DeFi_Teller,

Thank you for your proposal and for the detailed description of the process - I personally like the idea of creating videos for Centrifuge/Altair. I remember that we talked briefly on Discord back in June where you sent a link to a video you made about Polkadot and from what I remember, it was a high quality video.

There are a couple of things I would like clarified.

You mention that

but your proposal doesn’t say how many videos (+ their length) that you are proposing to create.

Could you kindly provide some clarify to some of these questions:

  1. Do you have any thoughts on many videos are you proposing to create + their length?

  2. How familiar are you with how Centrifuge works (e.g. Tinlake, our Governance process etc)?

One other thing to keep in mind is that we just recently added the Treasury pallet to Centrifuge and there are currently no funds in our Treasury. Given this would be a Treasury proposal, we would need to wait until there are enough funds.

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Good day Camille_DeFi_Teller and welcome to our forum

I like your idea about the video. I would like to ask you to share your prev video, your portfolio, a youtube channel with our Community.
Thank you!

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Yes, since two projects belong to one ecosystem, we thought it would be logical to make one video about both. However if during the process of script writing we see that one video turns out to be too long we may decide to make two short videos short videos rather than one long video.

We can’t boast of large audience at this point, since we are just starting our way, that’s why we are not looking for profit and ask only to cover the cost of video production.


At this point we’re thinking about doing one video about Centrifuge/Altair. I believe it’ll about 5-6 minutes long. We usually try to make our scripts as concise as possible under seven minutes in length. Since our videos are more technical and complicated, I believe longer videos can affect the perception of the information. In cases where a project has too much information to fit into one video, we usually decide that it is better to split the topic into two videos rather than fit several complex concepts into one long video.

I believe we can figure this out once our editorial team starts doing research and drafting the script outline.

Since we haven’t listed Centrifuge yet (we also write reviews about dapps and blockchains), I can’t say that we have a deep understanding of the network’s technological aspects.
But I can assure you that our editorial team takes the process of writing scripts very seriously. We spent a lot of time doing research and fact-checking. The centrifuge team can also review the script and suggest changes if necessary.

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Here is the link to our Youtube channel, so far we have released 4 videos